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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Everything Old Is New Again........Delightfully

This past weekend, I made my usual monthly jaunt to my mama's to get my hair did.  She is an artist, and a perfectionist, so she always does a fabulous job coloring my hair.  I hate thinking of the day when I'll have to venture out and find another hairdresser..........but maybe by that time my baby girl will have her cosmetology license and she can take over from Grandma Dixie <3

Anyway, I asked my mom if she still had a costume jewelry necklace and matching earring set that my father had given her before they were married.  We've found Claire's winter homecoming dress (already! go us!) and I thought the jewelry would go perfectly.  My mom couldn't find it, but she did pull out some of the most amazing vintage costume jewelry I had ever seen.  Most of it came from my great aunt Erma, but there were some pieces from my grandma (a pair of earrings she wore to my mom's wedding) and some my father had bought my mom. 

There was a period of time when folks gave my mom silver and black jewelry.  Like, a period of 20 years.  All of it beautiful, of course.  In particular, my dad had given my mom a pair of black rectangle earrings, framed by white rhinestones, and then the next year pear shaped black earrings, also framed with identical white stones.  I remember when she got them, and she wore them a lot.

My mom loaded me up with a great assortment of earrings, necklaces and bracelets.  I went home and spread it all out on a white pillowcase, to show it off to it's best advantage.  Claire was THRILLED!!  Both Claire and I are huge vintage fans, and there were plenty of examples spread before her.  Not only 50's and 60's classic pieces, but also fun 80's colored earrings.  We divided it up into various jewelry boxes, to keep them separate and unscratched.  I wondered what would be the first thing she picked to wear?  What would be the occasion?

This morning, she surprised me by picking a pair of my daddy's earrings to wear to school.  As usual, she rocked the look.  I can't help but believe my dad would be thrilled that the grandddaughter he barely knew is now following in his beloved wife's fashionable footsteps.