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Thursday, January 17, 2013

True Confession and Challenge Time

To the right of my blog, it tells me how many posts I've made. 45 big posts, wow! Doesn't seem like that many........probably because I love posting stuff and getting feedback from you sweet readers. Do what you love and love what you do? Yeah baby!

Writing down my thoughts also allows them to stay where they belong. If I need to get something off my chest that's bothering me, once I've put it on here, I find I'm at peace. Posting a blog entry also clarifies my convictions and organizes my feelings. I am much better about rotating my bracelets so they all get worn equally :)

So, I am now going to be completely transparent, in the hopes that full disclosure gives me the end result I desperately need. I'm also going to use this opportunity to start a thrifting challenge.

10 years ago, I was a skinny wreck. I was going through a divorce, and I couldn't eat. I was so thin my bones hurt. I took 11 yr old Brendan for a check up and we both weighed the same. It was truly a lovely time........not.

When I started dating Michael, food began tasting good again. We loved going out to eat together. Plus, I discovered he was a fabulous cook. It wasn't a surprise that when we got married in July of 2005, I was 10 pounds over my ideal weight.

Fast forward to January 2013. I am VERY much so that I'm not going to tell you how much. I have lost and gained a few pounds over the course of my marriage, but the food is too good and I don't keep it off for very long. In the manner of most people, when I put it back on, I put on a few more for good measure.

I'm going to be 49 this year. This isn't healthy. I lost my daddy to diabetes and heart disease, and while I'm grateful I've escaped a similar fate so far, I don't know why I have. I'm not 'obese' as the BMI defines it, but I'm edging that way.

Over all, I have a healthy diet. It's my 'treats' that are going to do me in. Chips and ice cream should be a rare event for me, not an everyday thing. So far I've cut out the pop and the sugary cereal, and a lot of carbs, but I know where I'm still cheating.

Where do YOU figure in all of this, gentle reader? If you know my big goal for this year is to take the weight off, you can keep me honest. Like those of you who comment on my fashion posts, I will count on you to also ask how the weight loss is going. Knowing at any time I may be approached will most definitely keep that ice cream spoon away from my lips!

Now, how does a thrifting challenge figure into all of this?

When you lose weight, you have to buy new clothing. I don't have too many outfits now, as I don't keep things I'm not wearing, and there was a bunch of stuff that was too small for me to keep. So, once clothes start falling off my body (HAHAHA!!), I'll need to replace it. And that's where my choice of stores will come into play regarding my thrifting challenge!

Every item I buy, with the exception of underwear, will be thrifted. I will post all my fashion finds, and it will be fun to see at the end of the year how much a varied wardrobe from Goodwill can cost. Skirts, jeans, tops.......I plan to find it all resale. Having shopped this way for years, I know this is a challenge I can rise to.

The hard part will be losing the weight that justifies a new wardrobe!