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Saturday, September 14, 2013

I Don't Have Time To Cook!

Sometimes we really don't! Having to drive straight from work to school to extracurricular activities and meetings really cuts down on the time you can spend in the kitchen. However, how many times do we use this excuse as a cop-out?

Last night, I put it to the test.

After taking Claire to school for play practice and the football game, I had about 2 hours time before Michael came home from work. I suddenly had the desire to cook him a very good meal. Something healthy but filling, as Michael is diabetic and we're both trying to watch our food intake.

I went to the store and bought Alaskan salmon patties. $8 for a box of 4.......kinda pricey, but have you eaten salmon at a restaurant lately? Yikes! I picked up two good sized sweet potatoes, a sugar free apple pie, and sugar free butter pecan ice cream. $17 and change.

Back home, I had fresh brocoli in the fridge. I steamed it while I cooked the sweet potatoes in the microwave, and baked the salmon patties. Everything was almost ready when Michael walked through the door. 10 minutes later, I served him a delicious dinner he was very grateful to eat!

2 hours from start to finish, and less than $20 total for two complete, two course meals.

I'm glad I decided to pull the dinner together myself, instead of giving into being tired after a long, hard week, and justifying another meal out. Our checkbook and our waistlines agreed!

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