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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Year End True Confessions

Who has two thumbs and is ready for a new year? This girl!

I am SO ready. What a long, strange trip 2013's been. It's been hard, it's been long............and it's drawing to a close. Thank you Jesus!

A year ago today, I was struggling with some very big feminine issues that I knew I would need surgery for, and we had no health insurance. I was scared, and I spent most of December 2012 crying. A year later, December has been MUCH happier. I am all done with THREE surgeries, and am looking forward to a much healthier new year.

For all of you who have read my blog this past year, thank you so much for sticking with me. I realize, some days I wasn't the happiest person, and I grumped along in my blogs. You can see where
I was a bit testy. If I came across as judgmental and picky about little things, I'm sorry. That wasn't my intent. I was hurting, and try as I might to put a happy face on my 'stuff,' some days I failed miserably. Add to all of that, financial upheaval, a child that moved out after turning 21, and the usual work another child who turned 18 and entered her senior year with even more of a extracurricular activity load (and I STILL had to keep up, regardless of how I felt).....well, the 'Little Mary Sunshine' act wore a bit thin some days.

If anything, my blog should give you HOPE. For those tempted to say, 'oh, I HATE Erin's blog! She thinks she's SO perfect! I can't relate to her thrift shopping and budgeting!' HAH! If you didn't think I was human before, consider THIS: in order to have my hysterectomy, I had to use my 2 week vacation, PLUS go without 2 paychecks, in order to have a proper six week recovery. And, because AFLAC has taken their sweet time reimbursing me, we had to put our Christmas shopping on credit cards. Does that even REMOTELY sound like a thrift goddess? PSH! There was no gigantic stash of cash we had saved for this surgery, because we took a $1000 hit a month starting in September.

Feel better?

Enough of that. We have 2014 ahead of us........a crisp, shiny new year. Inhale that fresh, new year smell. It's alive with tons of possibilities. I know I am refreshed and renewed just thinking of what I can do now that I couldn't do a year ago.......stand on my feet for long periods of time, keep my house clean and my laundry caught up.......yeah, it's mind boggling!

We're all in this thing together, my sweet friends. Just as you struggle, so do I. Let's be transparent and help each other! For every bill we pay off, let's also talk about the ones on which we make minimum payments. For every $10 prom gown, let's also showcase the full price heels we bought to go with it. Life is a journey, it doesn't always look or smell good, but we're living it, regardless.

Let's learn from each other, and feel comforted that we're not alone.

Happy New Year!!

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