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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Too Early For Prom Shopping? NO!!!

This picture is of Claire, in 7th grade, getting ready to go to the Jingle Ball with some friends. Yes, this a thrifted, $9.99 gown, one of her first........and as long time, Thriftnerd readers know, definitely not her last!

We had a family birthday party last night, and several people asked Claire and I if we'd started shopping for her prom dress. We'd actually found it last July! I had said that, since it's her senior year, I wouldn't mind finding her a brand new dress, but we happened upon something perfect, second hand.........and it will be unveiled sometime in April :)

This brings me to an interesting question: when SHOULD you start shopping for prom? My answer: NOW!!

One of our recurrent themes on this blog is the importance of shopping ahead, if you desire the best deals and selection. Think the mall stores are picked clean a couple weeks before prom? Same goes for the thrift store! We Americans have a real 'last minute' mentality, and often it's to our detriment.

Since this is Claire's senior year, we have about 100 things going on in regards to what shapes and makes the last year of high school special. I try very hard to plan ahead, to avoid the last minute snarls. Having Claire's prom dress is a huge load off our shoulders, and allows us to shop for accessories at our leisure. At this pace, her ensemble will be a snap to finish. We also have the shoes, clutch and earrings.......however, should we find something better, there will still be time to swap things out.

So, if you're looking for something fun to do on a cold, snowy Winter's afternoon, grab a coffee and head on over to the thrift store.

Come prom season, you'll be so glad you did.

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