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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

An Addendum For 12/12/12

A few caveats for selling your stuff.............

DON'T EVER, EVER SELL YOUR PURSES!!  These suckers come back into style within a few years, and when they do and you remember you sold the ones that would look perfect today........well, you think about it a lot, especially when you're trying to drift off to sleep.  How do I know?  I'm still kicking myself over reselling that cute but edgy black clutch with the brass buckles that would go with so many things now. 

As for jewelry, it's a bit trickier.   For instance, if you have a pair of earrings, and you're thinking of reselling them, ask yourself why.  Is it because they just don't go with anything you own, but you otherwise like them?   Hold onto those babies!  You never know when they will be the perfect complement to an outfit you don't own yet!  If you're considering reselling them because 1.) they don't hang right 2.) they hurt 3.) they bug you..........then resell them.  If every time you put them on and they just don't 'feel' right, then YOU'RE right to resell them.  Rings, bracelets, necklaces.........if they're just a bit 'off,' no amount of holding onto them will change that.

Also remember than barely used items make excellent gifts.  I always save the cardboard and plastic backs for jewelry, and put together my own gift sets.  There have been so many times that some piece of jewelry that wasn't right for me turns out to be a very special gift for a friend or family member.  However, this is only for items I have bought myself.  I don't regift!

Finally........what if you follow these guidelines and you still regret reselling a purchase?  If it just won't quit beating you up in your mind, write it on a list somewhere so you can be on the look out for a replacement, or ask for one as a gift.  At any rate, hastily getting rid of something you were better off keeping makes you a VERY smart shopper and reseller!  Hey, what is life if not one big opportunity for learning and personal growth?

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