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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thrifting Worst Case Scenarios

This is NOT a normal occurrence, folks!
Like anything, weird stuff happens.  You get a frog in your french fries.   Or, your latest thrift store score is made from cremated human remains.
Did you see the story earlier this week?  About the picture purchased at a thrift store that turned out to be a valuable lithograph?  It resold at auction for $9,000.  To me, that's as newsworthy as the former story.  Both ends of the spectrum, of course.
Bad thrifting stories are what people who are looking for an excuse NOT to thrift hang onto to wave in my face.  I agree, bad stuff happens to good people, blahblahblah.
I've been thrifting a very long time though, and the good stuff definitely outweighs the bad.   Seriously, do you think I'd take my kiddo thrift shopping for formal after formal if it weren't an overwhelmingly positive experience?  No matter what you've heard on the street, I am NOT that heartless of a parent.
I could tell you of the times I've bought something at a thrift store that turned out to be nasty.  I'd rather tell you of the times like last winter, when Claire was getting ready to go to her friend's  homecoming and her dress didn't fit.  An hour before.  So, we said a prayer and headed to Goodwill, because we were nowhere near a store selling prom dresses.  Guess what? Pulled a newly cleaned formal dress off the rack that fit Claire and cost $5, and made it on time.  I love the pictures of that evening, because it's a testament to God's grace and provision.
Look;  if you don't wanna thrift, no amount of my happy stories are going to change that.  Some people just can't get past the idea of used clothing.  I get it, I have my stuff too.  Please don't ask me eat liver.  Ever.
I'm also not a fan of pears or figs, but I won't rain on your parade while you devour them in my presence and exclaim over their deliciousness.  Same for thrifting: don't make snarky comments about my resale goodies when I'm showing them off.  We can all coexist without being carbon copies of each other, and be happy for each other's different interests.
However, if you're looking to thrift and you want back up...........I'm your girl.  Even with only an hour to spare.

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