I could blame it on the fact that it's the first full day of Spring, and I'm freezing my digits off. I could blame it on our shop's version of 'March Madness' setting in (what? you're 4 weeks on service already?). I could blame it on only two more episodes of The Walking Dead this season.
Would it matter?
Life, as it always does for me each March, has settled into a grey blob with the consistancy of oatmeal. Easter's only a week away, and I have my decorations up, but they look strangely out of place. With their bright, primary colors, they should have warmth and sunshine framing them, instead of.........blech.
During these times, I slice myself up a nice helping of doubt pie. Why am I writing this blog? Does anyone REALLY care I got yet another designer item for $3.29? Am I truly in a rut, or is this blasted Daylight's Savings Time kicking my keister?
Ima go with lucky #3. Enough of you have told me you like my stuff, and I am inspired by your stories of creativity and thrift. I'm just tired. I get 6 hours of sleep per work night (if I'm lucky), and I do an awful lot of running around on top of that, so it makes perfect sense. There's no happy little Alice the maid greeting me when I drag home, so the laundry and cooking and cleaning are an added bonus. Not complaining, just sayin'.
As is often the case, God has provided a weekend of rest coming up. Claire leaves for Chicago with her choir tomorrow morning (5:45 am, anyone?), and won't be home until 9:30 Sunday night. I'm thinking some serious 'hey, remember me?' time with my bed and my husband (ok, they might be separate events, lol) is in order. Getting my hair colored, and perhaps using one of our gift cards for a nice dinner out, would also be appreciated. I need lots of and lots of 'Breaking Bad' too. Be forewarned, Brendan........mama needs some Netflix.
Actually, anything that doesn't resemble collecting a urine sample from a blind Lab, working on a malfunctioning (insert appliance), or gathering and documenting thrift store donations is probably gonna work just fine.
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