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Saturday, March 9, 2013

NEWS FLASH!! I Won't Hate You If You Don't Thrift!

If you are new to my blog, then you have no clue I live to thrift shop. I live for the thrill of the hunt, the unspeakable joy of finding a true treasure, and the earthshaking blast of paying next to nothing for it. Yeah, it's how I roll.

Now, you may be a long time reader of my blog. You have read of my second hand jewelry, prom ensembles and home interior pieces. You probably have one of 3 reactions:

1.) COOL!! I want to do this, too! I want to save money, yet look chic. I want my kids to have top of the line clothing but not pay through the nose to do so. Plus, digging through all that second hand gold sounds like something that would really blow my skirt up.

2.) Well, good for Erin. She seems to be having a marvelous time thrifting. I like reading about it, and maybe sometime I'll actually enter a Goodwill. Or maybe I won't.

3.) EW, GROSS!! Why would ANYONE want to wear someone else's ANYTHING!! I want brand new! I want that crispy, new smell! I don't care if you can launder anything from the thrift store, I DON'T WANT TO!!

If your reaction is #1, congrats, you are my kindred spirit. We would have a BLAST thrifting together......the laughs are great, the deals are amazing, and you won't walk away wanting in the entertainment department. For reals.

If you are Lucky #2, well, I'm glad you enjoy my brain spill and off the cuff writing. Thanks for not making snarky comments about my photography skills. I am the original Photo Derp.

Now, if you are NUMBER THREE......well, I don't hate you. It's perfectly all right to not dig the thrifting scene. You should know by now I have a pretty open mind when it comes to other people's opinions.....unless it's hurting them (or me, HAHA) in some way.

Hurting you? How? Well, how about financially? What if you crave fashion and nice things but don't have the money for what you want? The way I see it, you can pay through the nose with money you don't have for brand new designer duds. Prepare to have a love affair with Ramen and popcorn. I'm not kidding.

Or, you can suck it up and go the route I do. Don't let your finances stand in your way! Develop a huge amount of patience and scour the second hand shops until you find EXACTLY what you want. It's there for the taking, but you must search and allow time. You have a big wedding in a year to attend and nothing to wear? Start looking now, don't procrastinate! You can put together a beautiful outfit for little $ doing it that way.

'But Erin,' you say, 'I have enough money to shop at the mall. I also have enough money to feed my family and pay for their health insurance. I can let my 16 yr old drive my car and not make them get a job to pay for their own insurance. And.......I REALLY don't want to thrift.'

Then don't! You don't have the need or desire! God blesses us with all levels of financial support. I speak for those (like myself) who must be creative in their acquisition of material possessions due to budget constraints, but also want to rock it like you do. I won't judge you if you don't judge me. No worries, however. I'm not a judger, and if someone is taking excellent care of their family's basic needs AND buying brand new, you have my eternal admiration.

Now, are we 'all good?' I don't want there to be ANY misconceptions. We have better things to shop oxoxoxo

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