I love my jewelry and my clothes......my shoes and my bags. Those are my big splurges (even though they're mostly second hand). Otherwise, I drive a 10 year old car with well over 100,000 miles. I have no plans to upgrade my house, either. I'm perfectly content.
For many years, I was also content with a basic cell phone. I wanted to call, receive calls and text. End of story. I was perfectly fine with my 'dumb' phone. Let others spend their time surfing the web and playing Angry Birds. My home and work computers were enough for me.
Then one day, my wonderful spouse decided he wanted a smartphone. He got what was then a basic Droid, and was happy. So happy that when MY phone contract was up, he got me one, too.
Meh. From the get go, I found my Droid glitchy. It WAS fun to play games on, but I had to shut it off an awful lot when it froze, or remove the battery. It frustrated me so badly, I wanted a basic cell phone back. Not to mention a basic cell phone bill.
In the meantime, Brendan, who had the same Droid I did (and was as fed up), got the IPhone 4. Boy, did we make fun of him. 'Look at YOU, Mr. Hipster IPhone owner.' He loved that phone from the get go, and was a quick convert. He was always telling me I'D like an IPhone too. I remained unconvinced, and determined to return to my prehistoric phone roots as soon as possible.
Last year, my beloved decided to get an IPhone of his own. Then, he surprised me with my own. Grrrrrrr.......
Once I got over being overwhelmed, slowly.....I started liking this latest piece of technology. Mastering the touch screen required very little time. Both Michael and Brendan taught me different tricks, like how to clear my phone to keep the battery from running down prematurely. Other than feeling my fingers were growing fat when I texted (creating new words became the norm), my IPhone was surprisingly trouble free.
I discovered how convenient it was to view both my AOL and Gmail accounts on one screen. That cut my email reading time down measureably. Surfing the web was quick, too. I liked how I could share things on Facebook and instant messaging with a few finger clicks. The camera took really nice pictures (most of which are featured on this blog!). An added bonus? One push and I could take a picture of myself, without a bathroom mirror! I've gotten to be quite the ninja about taking a fast pic and posting it on social media, before my tech savvy kids are the wiser......
My IPhone is an IPod. I have an ITunes app, and quick as a bunny, I can find, pay for and listen to that obscure 80's gem I just heard on the radio. I also have a Pandora app, which allows me to custom make my own radio stations (Adam Ant, anyone?). They mix it up a bit on there, though.......listening to 'Madonna' radio may mean you're in for several Clash songs in a row (there's NOTHING wrong with The Clash, but sometimes......only Madonna will do).
I get up to my IPhone alarm. I can set several, for different days of the week. It even goes off if I've turned off the sound. The Droid? Not so much.
I can set the timer on my IPhone. Very handy for when I'm upstairs and baking......I often can't hear my oven timer.
My husband got me a cool Bible app, so now I can read the Bible and actually see it! Yeah, I need new bifocals.
I can schedule things on my IPhone calendar.
I can write a shopping list on my IPhone. No more leaving my paper list at home!
At Thanksgiving, I had a few days off. Guess who got hooked on Candy Crush? Ugh.
Recently, my baby kitties peed on my Day Planner. I ran it through the washer, but cat urine is Hell on earth, so it was toast. What to do? That's when I discovered the handy 'notes' app on my IPhone. Now, anything I have written down in my planner, can go directly into my phone. I always have a hard copy, just in case, and I do back the system up. Technology is wonderful.......when it works.
Several months ago, I found a really cute, pink plaid IPhone case at Goodwill. Now it's all pretty AND smart!
So. Do I think an IPhone is a good investment? For me, yes. It's like my own, personal secretary.
And I'm going to need it more than ever come August. My baby girl will be a high school senior, with a VERY active life!!