It's funny how the inspiration for THIS post came on the heels of yesterday's about not embarrassing your kid :P
Right before I left work yesterday, I got a feverish text from Claire. She's her Thespian troupe's vice president, and she was notified two hours before that there was a meeting at school last night for new inductees. Claire was to take part in a presentation......except, she'd be the only one presenting, with the advisor, since everyone else had prior committments. Oops.
First, we prayed. Then, I told Claire to take a breath and tell me what she knew. She was surprisingly confident that she could handle whatever she needed to do. I was impressed, as I myself was ready to tie someone to the bumper of my car and drag them through my neighborhood. Ok, just joking.
I ran home and threw something together for Claire to eat for dinner. That was when she asked if I'd come with her to the meeting, for moral support. I am always honored and flattered when she asks. Clearly, what I wore needed to help make the impression that I supported my daughter, and hadn't spent the day in a lawnmower shop, reeking of engine fumes.
I found a top, a cami, coordinating jewelry, and black flip flops and a crossbody, spritzed a little 'Juicy' behind my ears, and headed out the door. I slapped on some lipstick and checked my teeth. All good on my end, anyway!
About 3 minutes from the school, Claire got a text from the Thespian president. The meeting was canceled.
After we stopped hollering about it, I made the comment that I was impressed with Claire's ability to pull it together in a very short period of time, and how I was thankful I'd found something to wear. Claire agreed and said,'How did you managed to get ready so fast?'
I have chronicled, on this blog, how I try to keep all my jewelry, shoes and clothing stored in such a way that I can see at a glance what I have, and pull together an outfit in very little time. I don't have a whole lot of clothing, but what I DO have coordinates with everything else. Last night, I could tell instantly what bracelets and ring would go with the top and shoes I'd decided to wear. My purses and shoes are displayed in my closet, just like my jewelry is in my bathroom. Laying my clothing out the night before work, church or anything else takes 2 minutes, tops. I want to look as put together as possible, in as little TIME as possible, so we can head out to more important things. I don't want to spend my day worrying that what I'm wearing isn't appropriate. Ain't nobody got time for that.
This system also helps me try to stay on top of my laundry. Since there's not that much to choose from, it encourages me to make sure my stuff is CLEAN.
As aggravating as last night's episode was, it was a really good dry run for what I think Claire's senior year will be like. I told her to expect that this will be the norm, not the exception. To that end, we're going to try this summer to make sure Claire's stuff is displayed like mine. She'll be way too busy to spend countless minutes scratching her head in front of her closet, completely stumped.
Let the rest of the world begin their day that way :X
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