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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bangin' Bangle Friday: Channeling My Inner Phoebe

One of the nicest things about having my girl home in the afternoon (as opposed to her pulling 13 plus hour days practicing for a play or musical) is getting to catch up on our TV shows. Lately we've been reviving our love for 'Friends.' Do you have a favorite Friend? While I'll admit to a lifelong girl crush on Rachel (she must smell FABULOUS!), I myself am more like Phoebe. Dear, sweet, daffy, blonde Phoebe. With the fabulous jewelry.

Right now we're at our busiest time of the lawnmower/etc. year. It's not unusual for my husband and I to fight for bathroom and lunch time on a typical day. Not fight EACH OTHER, fight FOR it. The days are beyond busy, relentless, frustrating.......yeah, it's great.

So, I need all the help I can get. Today I threw on a bunch of gypsy/Phoebe inspired goodies to spice things up (SPICY!). With my $10 Sears watch, I wore a bunch of ethnic beaded stretch bracelets, complete with carved tribal animals. These beauties retailed for $5 at Closet Mentor.

On my right hand.......the beyond beautiful abalone and brass ring came from the Kohl's clearance rack for $3-$4. The brilliant glass beaded bracelets retailed for $6 from Goodwill. As crazy as my day was, my jewelry pepped me up every time I caught a glance of wrist or finger. Bottom line: my jewelry makes me happy.

I'm not about impressing people with my stuff. I love color, style and bling for MYSELF, and for the happiness it brings me.

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