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Thursday, July 11, 2013

FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS DO THE CREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those of you who are new to my blog don't know of my hatred for J. Crew. Not their merchandise; you can find Crew goodies second hand all the time. They wear incredibly well, so it makes sense that they'd look just as great at a thrift store.

HOWEVER. Their retail pricing is HORRIBLE. Way too expensive. Why would you pay those prices when you can find them second hand? $100 bracelets that aren't real gold or silver, just plated. Tote bags that run $150 on up. And this lovely chambray shirt (see above).

If you pony up the funds for this top, you'll be out $78. For a DENIM SHIRT. Folks, if you go to ANY thrift store, you will see a sizable rack full of DENIM SHIRTS. At Goodwill, they run $3.29. Denim shirts are HUGE right now. You can dress them up or down. I'm sure that's why Da Crew jumped on Da Bandwagon with this fabulous, overpriced number. IT. MAKES. ME. SICK.

Remember Thriftnerd's credo: NO ONE should miss out on the fashion of their dreams due to their financial status. If you had no idea fashion this fabulous could be had second hand, you would view a J. Crew catalog through tears. NOT FAIR!! NOT TRUE!! I can't bear the thought of ANY of my Thriftnerd-herd going without!!

Don't do The Crew. Please.

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