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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Saving Money Through Reading: Simplified

If you are new to the concept of thrifting and saving money, odds are you're looking for reading material on the subject. It can be a daunting experience! Just put 'saving money' in the search bar for Amazon, and literally HUNDREDS of titles pop up! What's worth your time?

I have spent most of my adult life researching this subject, and I can cut YOUR research time by recommending 3 books that have helped me more than any others.

Over at, Jonni McCoy dispenses tightwad wisdom through her website, books and cookbooks. Jonni was a white collar professional, earning half her family's income, and living in the highly expensive San Francisco area, when she chose to quit working to stay home with her children. Through trial and error and a TON of research, Jonni not only successfully made the switch to stay at home mom, she built a successful career as a writer and speaker on the subject of saving money. Complicating things was the discovery that one of her children had serious food allergies, so she not only had to save money on food, but healthy, whole foods at that. She made it work! She is also clear about not being a tightwad who enjoys a spartan lifestyle. She enjoys her luxuries and finds cheaper ways to get them! Jonni writes in a candid, easy manner, and the average person can follow her advice without finding her too extreme.

At, Tawra and her mom, Jill, run a small empire based on thrift. Their e-books, newsletter and Facebook page are chock full of good advice on how to do things frugally. Both speak from experience! Jill started her own business and paid off $35,000 in debt on only $1000 a month, and then when she was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and had to go on disability, she successfully raised two teenagers on only $500 a month! Jill and her husband, Mike, paid off $20,000 on only $22,000 a month, and now that their debt is paid, they are working to pay off their house. Both ladies are candid about the trials and tribulations of living on so little, but their spirit and drive make reading their books a pleasure, and leave you with the the feeling that you can do it, too!

Last but not least, the granddaddy of all thrift books is The Complete Tightwad Gazette, by Amy Dacyczyn. Amy has retired, and no longer runs her newsletter, but this book is the compliation of her efforts. Where Jonni, Tawra and Jill are the 'silk stockings' of saving money, Amy is the Genghis Khan of thrift. No nonsense, she doesn't suffer fools gladly, and she takes no prisoners. She had a vision early in her marriage of being a stay at home mom, with a large family, and a huge farmhouse, on only $30,000 a year. By golly, she did it! Many folks view Amy as extreme, and she herself admits all her views may not be your cup of tea, but you will definitely learn thrift is a viable option by reading her book. Who can't help but be inspired by a woman who led her family to be able to buy that long dreamed of farmhouse with $49,000 saved in only 7 years, on that often less than $30,000 yearly income? Sign me up, bro!

As with everything I post on Thriftnerd, I encourage you to read, then make your own decisions based on your particular needs. I do the same with tecommending these 3 books. No matter how you choose to implement these ladies' books into your own lives, it will definitely change things for the better.

I also recommend you check their books out at the library, first. Like me, you may want to buy them afterwards, to have on hand to refer to often. I've had my 'Tightwad Gazette' since I was pregnant with Claire, and I am STILL reading and learning!

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