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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Year End True Confessions

Who has two thumbs and is ready for a new year? This girl!

I am SO ready. What a long, strange trip 2013's been. It's been hard, it's been long............and it's drawing to a close. Thank you Jesus!

A year ago today, I was struggling with some very big feminine issues that I knew I would need surgery for, and we had no health insurance. I was scared, and I spent most of December 2012 crying. A year later, December has been MUCH happier. I am all done with THREE surgeries, and am looking forward to a much healthier new year.

For all of you who have read my blog this past year, thank you so much for sticking with me. I realize, some days I wasn't the happiest person, and I grumped along in my blogs. You can see where
I was a bit testy. If I came across as judgmental and picky about little things, I'm sorry. That wasn't my intent. I was hurting, and try as I might to put a happy face on my 'stuff,' some days I failed miserably. Add to all of that, financial upheaval, a child that moved out after turning 21, and the usual work another child who turned 18 and entered her senior year with even more of a extracurricular activity load (and I STILL had to keep up, regardless of how I felt).....well, the 'Little Mary Sunshine' act wore a bit thin some days.

If anything, my blog should give you HOPE. For those tempted to say, 'oh, I HATE Erin's blog! She thinks she's SO perfect! I can't relate to her thrift shopping and budgeting!' HAH! If you didn't think I was human before, consider THIS: in order to have my hysterectomy, I had to use my 2 week vacation, PLUS go without 2 paychecks, in order to have a proper six week recovery. And, because AFLAC has taken their sweet time reimbursing me, we had to put our Christmas shopping on credit cards. Does that even REMOTELY sound like a thrift goddess? PSH! There was no gigantic stash of cash we had saved for this surgery, because we took a $1000 hit a month starting in September.

Feel better?

Enough of that. We have 2014 ahead of us........a crisp, shiny new year. Inhale that fresh, new year smell. It's alive with tons of possibilities. I know I am refreshed and renewed just thinking of what I can do now that I couldn't do a year ago.......stand on my feet for long periods of time, keep my house clean and my laundry caught up.......yeah, it's mind boggling!

We're all in this thing together, my sweet friends. Just as you struggle, so do I. Let's be transparent and help each other! For every bill we pay off, let's also talk about the ones on which we make minimum payments. For every $10 prom gown, let's also showcase the full price heels we bought to go with it. Life is a journey, it doesn't always look or smell good, but we're living it, regardless.

Let's learn from each other, and feel comforted that we're not alone.

Happy New Year!!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Post Op Clothing.......The Ballad Of The 'Swelly Belly'

I steer away from featuring pictures of myself on this's much more fun to post pics of my daughter and friends! However, I felt led to write this blog post, as I'm sure I'm not the only one to have to deal with buying temporary clothing in larger sizes. Please excuse the boxes in the background.....we're still getting rid of the Christmas gift boxes!

Almost 10 weeks ago, I had a hysterectomy. I am feeling so much better, and have lost weight, but I am still burdened with what us 'hystersisters' affectionately call a 'swelly belly.' Basically, my tummy is much larger and swollen due to my surgery, and I read last week it could last a YEAR. Not happy news for someone needing to find clothing that allows me to be socially acceptable.

As of this writing, I can wear approximately one pair of my pre op jeans. Not comfortably, I might add. They are tight, and my belly regularly swells later in the day, so I was making do with two pair of pull on pants. I can dress them up or down, and tuck them into boots, but I wanted more variety.

I wanted JEANS.

My secret sister from church gave me a $20 gift certificate for Goodwill for Christmas. I finally decided to try and find at least one pair of larger sized jeans there to hold me over until my swelling goes down.

Now, can we talk? With very few exceptions, we as women get very hung up on the size printed on our clothing labels. If you're regularly a size 8, and have to buy a pair of size 12 jeans, no matter HOW good you look in feel a little crestfallen because of that stupid label.

Well, I sucked it up and tried on just about every pair of larger sized jeans in the thrift store. 1 1/2 hours later, I found a pair that not only fit comfortably over my belly, but were skinny and perfect to tuck into boots. I also got two cute smock type tops that will billow over my midsection, but I can rein them in with a fitted cardigan. The picture above is my outfit from church this morning. I felt great, and everything fit perfectly. Plus, I didn't feel as if I had a neon sign flashing above my head, advertising my increased jeans size. No one would care, anyway, so why should I?

Thrift stores are the perfect places to buy such temporary pieces. Whether you're seeking maternity wear, or just looking to camouflage a belly like I am, you can find great stuff for little $$. My jeans were $5.99, and my tops were $3.29 a piece. Perfect.

Don't be afraid to go up a size, if the end result is rockin'. No one but you needs to know :)

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Gently Used Christmas Present

WARNING!! The following blog post contains information some of you might find down right offensive. I'm not kidding. I'm about to step on some serious sacred cows.

Ok, if you're brave enough to read on, here we go........

Christmas gifts should be new, right? Nothing says Christmas morning or 'I love you' like a crinkly, crackly, plastic wrapped goodie, fresh from the store. To stoop so low as to buy something like, say, a USED item for a Christmas present? Dear God. What's wrong with you?

Well, I'm not advocating dumpster diving as a means of Christmas shopping. I'll bet some out there do.

My precious daughter is about the easiest going teenage girl you'll ever meet. This child was raised on frequent trips to the thrift store, and she's worn her share of resale clothing, so she's managed to grow up a reasonably balanced individual. She knows she can find the good stuff second hand, and doesn't have to shell out big bucks at the mall if she doesn't want to.

So proud.

The thing is, if you are a reasonably balanced individual, as you grow up, you begin to develop certain tastes. You begin to know your body well, and dress it accordingly. You know what works and what doesn't. Often, that means buying certain brands that fit you better than others. Sometimes you are lucky enough to find those items at a thrift store. Sometimes you must save up money to buy them brand new.

And sometimes, you find them on Ebay.

Such was the case with Claire's Ugg boots.

Now, before you turn up your nose, hear me out. Claire has a few brands she likes. Tom's shoes. Victoria's Secret Pink yoga pants (they wear like iron). She has happily worn knock off Uggs boots for years. This year, she happened to try on a friend's REAL Uggs, and it was like Cinderella found her slipper. She loved those things.........they were like walking on a cloud.

So, I started the search for a pair of her own for Christmas. Starting with the Ugg website, I found the black, short, classic style she preferred retailed for the fabulous (!) price of $155. Yeah, I don't buy MYSELF shoes that expensive.

That didn't deter me one bit. I know I could find a pair of Uggs on Ebay.

Have you used Ebay? You must be careful, as you can get into big trouble. I went through a phase where I bought way too much on Ebay, to the extent that the UPS man knew my first name. Yeah, that was a long time ago.

Go to the website, type what you want in the search bar, and prepare to be amazed at the various entries for exactly what you want. Once you hone in on the entry with the price point you desire, check out the seller's feedback and rating. Since I wanted to make sure Claire got the boots of her dreams, the seller I chose had a 100% positive feedback rating. I bid on the boots, and won.......$85, and that included shipping, for gorgeous black Uggs that had been worn ONCE. I saved so much, I bought Claire an Uggs care kit off the brand's website, so she could keep her boots clean and protected from the weather.

On Christmas morning, I couldn't have put a price tag on the reaction Claire had when she opened her boots. She was thrilled and absolutely shocked. Never in a million years did she believe she'd get a pair of least not before she had a job and bought them herself. Did it matter to her whether I'd paid $85 or $155? No, because the boots looked brand new, and no one else will be the wiser unless she tells them.

Or, unless they read my blog :D

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Shopping Less........Enjoying More

We frame pictures to make them set them apart. With a frame, your eye goes right to the picture. You can see the important, instead of focusing on things you don't need to. Without a frame, a picture would melt right into the wallpaper.

It's the same with shopping less. When you're not constantly going shopping 'for fun' or recreation, you tend to think more about the things you NEED to buy. If you're bored, and you head to the mall, a simple trip to Hot Topic can turn into a wardrobe of Dr. Who apparel. Just sayin.

I've thought a lot about this while I was recuperating from surgery. I was literally stuck at home, and even if I'd wanted to, shopping wasn't an option for several weeks. When I finally DID head out to the store, it was because Claire had bronchitis, and we had to go to Meijer for her prescriptions. It wasn't a fun trip.

Anyway, when you're not going to Meijer every day for milk, you aren't confronted with the clothing department right there at the front. So, you tend to think less in terms of 'instant gratification,' and more along the lines of 'what do I really need?'

Towards the end of my time at home, I realized that the weather had turned colder. When I left work, I'd been wearing t-shirts. Now, I was going to need a new fleece jacket, and long sleeved shirts. Those items would serve me well for several years at work. Usually I'd find those items second hand, but this time, because I didn't have the time (or stamina) for thrift shopping, I picked my jacket up at Meijer (on sale, of course), and the long sleeved shirts were had at (free shipping!). When I woke up this morning, I was all set to head back to work :)

I'm getting better about not buying things on impulse, but I know how hard it is to resist when you're always running to get the basics at a big box store. There's gorgeous sweaters with the potato chips, for pete's sake! For those times, grow yourself a nice pair of blinders.

Your checkbook and credit card will thank you.