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Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday's Fabulous Under $5!!

This little ring looks like something I would have worn back in the early 80's, with my slicked back short hair and my Adam Ant t-shirt. Very 'Kings Of The Wild Frontier.'

Happily, it also goes with all my middle aged mom stuff, too. I got it for $4.50 at Meijer, with my discount, but you can get it for $5. Unhappily, tomorrow will be the end of an era.......Brendan is bidding Meijer adieu and saying 'later days.' He's quitting after 4 years to explore the uncharted territory of Columbia, South Carolina. I will miss my boy, and I will miss that discount.

We got a nice pool with it, too :)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Concert Tee: Frivolous Expense or Investment Piece?

Last night, Claire and Brendan went to see Of Monsters and Men in concert. If you've not heard of them, check out their SNL performance on YouTube. An alternative band from Iceland, they're really fresh and fun. Claire has a girl crush on the lead singer :)

Of course, she had to buy one of their concert t-shirts (see picture #1). As usual, it banked in at $30.

Few things match the excitement of seeing a concert, then going to school the next day wearing the band's shirt. Not that I'd know. I didn't go see a concert until I was almost 20. Believe me, I've made up for it since then. Living in Vegas especially caught me up on some great concerts. Claire saw her first one in utero......I was 8 months pregnant when I toted my very pregnant belly to a Loverboy/Cheap Trick double bill on the Strip.

I remember back in middle and high school, feeling envious of my classmates, who stumbled sleepily into school wearing their Journey, Foreigner and Ozzy shirts, announcing to us less fortunates that yes, they DID have a better evening than I did the night before.

I am a much more laid back mama, and I personally have taken my spawn to numerous concerts. Claire attended her first (out of the womb) concert when she was 3. It was the Spice Girls, and she spent most of it crying because I wouldn't let her go hug Baby Spice.

$30 is a bit pricy for a t-shirt, right? Well, ordinarily I'd agree, especially since most of mine were $3.29 from Goodwill. However, it is extremely difficult to find a concert T second hand. Most folks hang onto theirs, and with good reason. Nothing brings back good memories of a great concert like donning the t-shirt for which you stood in a loooong line.

You don't have to attend the concert to grab one. Check out that lovely punker in the second picture. Yes, dear readers, that's yours truly, during my 80's new wave phase (from which I've never really returned). I found my precious, er, Adam Ant T at a record store on Morse Rd back in the day. I loved that thing.....evidently to death, because I have no idea where it went. I've also had t-shirts from a Fleetwood Mac reunion concert, and The Pogues.

Here's my humble opinion: continue to search thrift stores for concert tees. They ARE there, and occasionally you strike gold, as when Claire found her Ramones shirt. I practically have to peel that thing off her body to wash it. However, if you ever get the opportunity to see a band live, and you want their t-shirt, better get it then. Concert tees never go out of style, and you may have to pass up the after concert trip to McDonald's if you buy one, but you'll never regret it.

At least, I never have :)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pure Panic: Getting Ready In Under 5 Minutes

It's funny how the inspiration for THIS post came on the heels of yesterday's about not embarrassing your kid :P

Right before I left work yesterday, I got a feverish text from Claire. She's her Thespian troupe's vice president, and she was notified two hours before that there was a meeting at school last night for new inductees. Claire was to take part in a presentation......except, she'd be the only one presenting, with the advisor, since everyone else had prior committments. Oops.

First, we prayed. Then, I told Claire to take a breath and tell me what she knew. She was surprisingly confident that she could handle whatever she needed to do. I was impressed, as I myself was ready to tie someone to the bumper of my car and drag them through my neighborhood. Ok, just joking.

I ran home and threw something together for Claire to eat for dinner. That was when she asked if I'd come with her to the meeting, for moral support. I am always honored and flattered when she asks. Clearly, what I wore needed to help make the impression that I supported my daughter, and hadn't spent the day in a lawnmower shop, reeking of engine fumes.

I found a top, a cami, coordinating jewelry, and black flip flops and a crossbody, spritzed a little 'Juicy' behind my ears, and headed out the door. I slapped on some lipstick and checked my teeth. All good on my end, anyway!

About 3 minutes from the school, Claire got a text from the Thespian president. The meeting was canceled.

After we stopped hollering about it, I made the comment that I was impressed with Claire's ability to pull it together in a very short period of time, and how I was thankful I'd found something to wear. Claire agreed and said,'How did you managed to get ready so fast?'

I have chronicled, on this blog, how I try to keep all my jewelry, shoes and clothing stored in such a way that I can see at a glance what I have, and pull together an outfit in very little time. I don't have a whole lot of clothing, but what I DO have coordinates with everything else. Last night, I could tell instantly what bracelets and ring would go with the top and shoes I'd decided to wear. My purses and shoes are displayed in my closet, just like my jewelry is in my bathroom. Laying my clothing out the night before work, church or anything else takes 2 minutes, tops. I want to look as put together as possible, in as little TIME as possible, so we can head out to more important things. I don't want to spend my day worrying that what I'm wearing isn't appropriate. Ain't nobody got time for that.

This system also helps me try to stay on top of my laundry. Since there's not that much to choose from, it encourages me to make sure my stuff is CLEAN.

As aggravating as last night's episode was, it was a really good dry run for what I think Claire's senior year will be like. I told her to expect that this will be the norm, not the exception. To that end, we're going to try this summer to make sure Claire's stuff is displayed like mine. She'll be way too busy to spend countless minutes scratching her head in front of her closet, completely stumped.

Let the rest of the world begin their day that way :X

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Your Daughter: Your Own Personal Stylist

'You're wearing THAT???'

So much is written about the turmoil and strife between a teenage girl and her mom. You'd think there wasn't a sunny day in that whole decade! Sheesh! Yes, the hormones are storming the camps with both barrels blazing, but still.......a daughter can be a true joy to her mama's heart and life. I know, I speak from experience :)

Claire is my biggest cheerleader. She can be truthful but also tactful. I don't mind that she tells me when there's food in my teeth, because unlike the male members of my household, she remembers it might be useful to have that information BEFORE I greet about 20 people. We share clothes, shoes (sometimes.....her feet are much daintier than mine!), jewelry and perfume. I'm flattered she wants to! Teenage girls are known for having the inside scoop on what's new and what's not. Claire is a wonderful source of what NOT to wear or buy for her old mom.

Shopping with Claire has saved me from buying so many items of clothing that would have been mistakes. Conversely, she also tells me when something looks great on me, and I otherwise would have passed it by. At the tender age of 8, she convinced me to try my first pair of bootleg jeans, and the rest is history. I trust that Claire has my best interests at heart, she wants me to look great, and........honestly, what teenage girl REALLY wants to be embarrassed by her mom?

Not only is the winning end result a fashionable wardrobe, but because Claire knows I value her judgment, and she can be honest with me, she is also more open to MY opinion when it comes to HER fashion choices. I gotta admit, she hardly makes a misstep. We do have our differences....I'm always telling her to save her crew neck t-shirts for home and rock the v-necks outside, but this is a fashion democracy, NOT a dictatorship. I am thrilled by her modesty and her good sense. I'm also happy to see her sport her 'Ramones' and 'Blondie' t-shirts. This aging rocker chick made sure her kids got an all around musical education.

So, mams! Tap that resource you call your daughter! She will surprise you with her good sense and great style know how. Read an 'InStyle' together. Watch 'Fashion Police' together and laugh until you're both crying. Ask her what she thinks of her friends' clothing styles, and then LISTEN.

You will both be happier and more content. I promise.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Dimestore DIY: Emerald Statement Necklace

Happy Memorial Day!! This cute 'flag bow' ring retailed for $5 at Walmart, and they sold out quickly!! Love it and can't wait to wear it :)

Today's post is all about this breathtaking 'emerald' statement necklace. You're not going to believe this, but I got it a while ago off the Meijer jewelry clearance rack for........$5. I couldn't figure out why it was marked down so low! A quick perusal in the store gave up no flaws, so I bought it.

When I got it home, I went to put it on and......oh. THAT'S why it was marked down. The lobster claw clasp wouldn't open. At all. No amount of working on it with my many tools budged it. So, I hung it on a hook in my dresser jewelry box, and kinda forgot about it.

Until today. I was switching charms on a link bracelet, and saw that the necklace I was robbing a charm from had a very nice lobster claw clasp. BOOM. I retrieved the emerald necklace and PRESTO! A gorgeous statement necklace, worthy of any prom or formal occasion. This thing seriously looks like someone inherited it from their great aunt's vintage estate jewelry collection. At the very least.....worth $100.

When I showed Claire, she made the remark that anyone else might have said, 'It's broken! Oh well!' and thrown it away. What a waste! Putting this necklace away until a solution presented itself resulted in something Claire might very well wear to a future dance.

Seeing the possiblities. Using a little creativity. Saving money in the process.

It never ceases to be exciting :)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Planning For Graduation......One Year Early

If it wasn't obvious to me before that I can't stop the march of time, it's REALLY evident today. As Claire and I plan our route for the numerous grad parties that dot our landscape this afternoon and evening, and as I watched our 'Senior Salute' this morning in church, one fact is painfully, GLARINGLY, obvious and clear: next year, baby. It's Claire's turn.

This isn't my first rodeo. Claire's brother, Brendan, graduated in 2010. He, of course, is a totally different kid. Quiet and instrospective, happy to while away the hours on multiple computer screens in his room, his senior year was pretty low key. I mean, as far as senior years go. Brendan went to the career center and majored in web design, so his activities revolved around competitions in those areas. Plus, he was a DACC rep, going to other high schools and extoling the virtues of a technical education to younger kids. When he wasn't at school, he worked at Meijer. That's it. Those were his activities. He didn't want to go to his senior prom, and getting him to go to graduation was like pulling teeth. He would have been perfectly happy not having a grad party, but we insisted.

Brendan's celebration was a laid back party on a Sunday afternoon at our house. We had a cookout, and guests could go swimming. We didn't have a huge turnout, but Brendan had a small circle of friends, so it was perfect.

Flash forward almost 4 years. Claire is a mirror opposite of her brother. Exuberant, outgoing, involved in just about everything her high school has to offer.....we are anticipating not only a senior year that takes our breath away, but a grad party that's, um, just a hair bigger than Brendan's. Like, we don't think we can have THIS one at the house!

Just writing that last paragraph made me sweat.

So, how will we deal with the stress? Start planning NOW. Today, when Claire and I make our rounds, we'll be doing 'cake testing'.....seeing which delectable, frosting covered baked good rocks her socks? What kinds of appetizers look good, taste great, and involve minimal prep? What decorations are 'must haves?' How many pictures can we display without our guests' eyes glazing over? You know, the basics.

When I have all this down on paper, that's one less thing I'll need to stress about. I know there are some parents that can wait until the last minute and pull off the party of the century, but they also may lose half their hair, and their kids may not be speaking to them. Yeah, I'd rather not go that route.

So anyway, to our many friends who graduated yesterday, and are preparing to graduate: Congratulations! Can't wait to hug you in person!

And, see you next year at Claire's party :)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hating On J. Crew

My J.Crew tote, that I take to work every day. I took this pic in my laundry room, so you could see that, yes, I'm just like YOU. Keepin' it real.

I love this tote. It's functional and really cool looking. I like that I can pick it up, stuffed full of my paperwork, and look pulled together. Well, as much as I possibly can.

I paid $4.99 for the tote at Goodwill. Want to know how much it retails for on the J.Crew website? $150. I'm not lying. It's not even real leather trim......just a pleasing fascsimile thereof. Nice, black quilted cloth and brass hardware. $150.

WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT J.CREW THAT THEY CAN JACK THE PRICE UP ON EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING THEY SELL? Especially when I can find similar items for a tiny fraction of their prices?

One of my very first blog posts on here was about loving a J.Crew large link bracelet, that retailed for almost $90. Not even real gold or silver. Yet, I found a similar gold and silverplate bracelet at Goodwill for $3.99. No one would EVER know the difference, unless I told them.

Maybe that's it. Maybe a J.Crew fanatic lives for the day they get complimented on an item of clothing, or an accessory, so they can gush, 'Thank you! Got it from Da Crew!' I don't even know if that's how they say it.......

I have never understood how the mere act of a company slapping their label on an item immediately raises the price sky high. Yet, here we are.

I do like certain labels, and I know that in order to buy those things, I must pay a higher price. Most of the time, those items are made with superior a Michael Kors bag (drool).

The rest of the time? I can get away with something that looks smart, yet costs way less.

Or, a designer goodie I just happened to pick up at Goodwill.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Two big blog posts in one today! I don't have all my pictures, but I will update with them tonight!!

First of all: if you are in the Delaware, Ohio area........RUN, DON'T WALK to the Goodwill on 23, next to En Super! They have BRAND NEW, still in their packages, jewelry! All for @1.29! That's EVERYTHING!! Beautiful turquoise bead bracelets with various charms and assorted embellishments: $1.29. Gorgeous chandelier earrings, worthy of prom: $1.29. Earring multi-packs (my picture above is one of the hoops)......2 pair medium sized hoops, 2 pair small hoops, 2 pair crystal studs: $1.29 for all 6 pairs. BRAND. NEW. I got Claire an elegant, expensive looking pair of silver hoops for.......$1.29. Remember my poat several months ago on how to buy hoops that look expensive? Goodwill has DOZENS! For $1.29! Why are you still sitting there, reading this? GO BUY SOME JEWELERY!!

I was looking through my closet last night, and it struck me: I need to do a pictoral of some fabulous thrift store buys. The moccasins above? Minnetonka for American Eagle, genuine suede.......$3.29. They are AT LEAST $45 new in the store. I have missed my Minnetonka moccasins for at least 25 them straight out of high school and wore them to death. So comfortable. How often can you wear shoes that are as comfortable as the coziest slippers OUT OF THE HOUSE? I mean, without judgment? LOL.

Anywho. It's Memorial Day weekend, peeps! Hitting some sales? Don't forget your local thrift store........and tell me about YOUR bangin' buys!! Enjoy yourselves and stay safe!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Thriftnerd Loves Her IPhone

I love my jewelry and my shoes and my bags. Those are my big splurges (even though they're mostly second hand). Otherwise, I drive a 10 year old car with well over 100,000 miles. I have no plans to upgrade my house, either. I'm perfectly content.

For many years, I was also content with a basic cell phone. I wanted to call, receive calls and text. End of story. I was perfectly fine with my 'dumb' phone. Let others spend their time surfing the web and playing Angry Birds. My home and work computers were enough for me.

Then one day, my wonderful spouse decided he wanted a smartphone. He got what was then a basic Droid, and was happy. So happy that when MY phone contract was up, he got me one, too.

Meh. From the get go, I found my Droid glitchy. It WAS fun to play games on, but I had to shut it off an awful lot when it froze, or remove the battery. It frustrated me so badly, I wanted a basic cell phone back. Not to mention a basic cell phone bill.

In the meantime, Brendan, who had the same Droid I did (and was as fed up), got the IPhone 4. Boy, did we make fun of him. 'Look at YOU, Mr. Hipster IPhone owner.' He loved that phone from the get go, and was a quick convert. He was always telling me I'D like an IPhone too. I remained unconvinced, and determined to return to my prehistoric phone roots as soon as possible.

Last year, my beloved decided to get an IPhone of his own. Then, he surprised me with my own. Grrrrrrr.......

Once I got over being overwhelmed, slowly.....I started liking this latest piece of technology. Mastering the touch screen required very little time. Both Michael and Brendan taught me different tricks, like how to clear my phone to keep the battery from running down prematurely. Other than feeling my fingers were growing fat when I texted (creating new words became the norm), my IPhone was surprisingly trouble free.

I discovered how convenient it was to view both my AOL and Gmail accounts on one screen. That cut my email reading time down measureably. Surfing the web was quick, too. I liked how I could share things on Facebook and instant messaging with a few finger clicks. The camera took really nice pictures (most of which are featured on this blog!). An added bonus? One push and I could take a picture of myself, without a bathroom mirror! I've gotten to be quite the ninja about taking a fast pic and posting it on social media, before my tech savvy kids are the wiser......

My IPhone is an IPod. I have an ITunes app, and quick as a bunny, I can find, pay for and listen to that obscure 80's gem I just heard on the radio. I also have a Pandora app, which allows me to custom make my own radio stations (Adam Ant, anyone?). They mix it up a bit on there, though.......listening to 'Madonna' radio may mean you're in for several Clash songs in a row (there's NOTHING wrong with The Clash, but sometimes......only Madonna will do).

I get up to my IPhone alarm. I can set several, for different days of the week. It even goes off if I've turned off the sound. The Droid? Not so much.

I can set the timer on my IPhone. Very handy for when I'm upstairs and baking......I often can't hear my oven timer.

My husband got me a cool Bible app, so now I can read the Bible and actually see it! Yeah, I need new bifocals.

I can schedule things on my IPhone calendar.

I can write a shopping list on my IPhone. No more leaving my paper list at home!

At Thanksgiving, I had a few days off. Guess who got hooked on Candy Crush? Ugh.

Recently, my baby kitties peed on my Day Planner. I ran it through the washer, but cat urine is Hell on earth, so it was toast. What to do? That's when I discovered the handy 'notes' app on my IPhone. Now, anything I have written down in my planner, can go directly into my phone. I always have a hard copy, just in case, and I do back the system up. Technology is wonderful.......when it works.

Several months ago, I found a really cute, pink plaid IPhone case at Goodwill. Now it's all pretty AND smart!

So. Do I think an IPhone is a good investment? For me, yes. It's like my own, personal secretary.

And I'm going to need it more than ever come August. My baby girl will be a high school senior, with a VERY active life!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

One More Prom Post..........

A friend has graciously allowed me to repost her child's prom pictures. I asked because they perfectly illustrate one of the tenets of tasteful fashion: less IS more.

Human nature often tells us that, to look like a million dollars, you have to have a million accessories. These two are living proof that's not true! Women especially may feel that they aren't really ready to face the world for a big event, unless they are dripping with jewelry, sequins and other embellishment. These pictures prove otherwise!

The young lady's dress is simple, yet stunning. It drapes beautifully, and fits her perfectly. She's limited her jewelry to a few, simple bracelets, and her hair is softly styled. Nothing appears 'done,' yet the look is perfect.

Her date is wearing a classic, timeless tuxedo. Again, it fits him to a 'T.'

When they look at these pictures 20 years from now, there won't be any cringing and regret for giving in to the latest trend. Their attire is timeless and would be at home in any decade.

Now, my intention on posting these pictures is not to 'hate' on anyone who wore a sequined gown, or had a high updo with a tiara, or the the prom couple who color coordinated their look. Remember, Claire wore several pieces of jewelry.

I AM posting this because, sometimes........we just don't know what to do. How much is too much? What necklace should go with this neckline? Should I even WEAR earrings?

Have you ever heard the old adage, 'Before you leave the house, take off one piece of jewelry?' When in doubt, leave it at home. Simple always trumps too much. Check out style magazines that document celebrities on the red carpet. Nine times out of ten, the best dressed always have minimal accessories, and they look fabulous.

So, the next time you're in a quandry about what sets off that little black dress, just remember: less really IS more.

Monday, May 20, 2013

$63 Miche Bag For $15

Are you familiar with Miche bags?

Their concept is this: Miche sells several styles of plain, black, 'base' bags. They also sell 'shells' for the base bags, that you can buy and change as your mood (or wardrobe) suits you. Miche is like Silpada, 31, Tupperware, Tastefully buy Miche merchandise through home parties.

The first picture above illustrates how a Miche bags works.......much better than I can explain it :)

I had heard of Miche bags, but hadn't been interested. I like to change my bags so often, I can't really justify the price I'd pay for a base bag (average $36) and accompanying shells (average $25 on up). To be honest, I'd never seen a Miche bag in real life, either.

One day, as I was doing my usual 'drive by' at Goodwill, I happened upon THIS lovely copper snakeskin number. Copper is my lady jam, yo.

At the time, I had forgotten what a 'Miche' bag was, but I knew it was pricy, judging by the Goodwill price of $14.99. I don't buy $15 Goodwill bags often.......they have to be special, and we have to be stocked with toilet paper at home. Yes, that IS how I justify it.

Anywho, bought the purse and brought it home to do my usual research on how a brand new Miche would stack up to my find. That's when I saw a similar new, base and shell would run $63.


This purse is perfect when a tote is too large, or a crossbody too small. It also dresses the place up!

Am I a Miche fanatic now? No, but if I see another shell at Goodwill, I know what it's for!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

$1.50 Purse & Laundry Roulette

I don't care what I've spent on something.......if I love it, I want to take the best care possible to make sure it lasts, regardless of the price.

Today, it's all about my $1.50 purse, and my reluctance to throw it in the washer.

Isn't it cute? Springy, and a perfect shape for taking to outdoor art fairs, etc. that are starting to paper our landscape, now that's it's (finally!) warm.

Heavy duty canvas with a wooden circle handle, it banked way below Goodwill's usual $4.99 for a handbag. I snapped it up without a second thought, and didn't notice, until I got home, that there was a nasty stain on both sides. Sigh.

Ordinarily, I'd just pop it in the washer. Because of the wooden handle, I was a bit stymied. What if the handle caused it to contort horribly out of shape? I know, I KNOW, it was ONLY $1.50!! HOWEVER, like I started off this blog saying........I LIKE THE PURSE AND DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO HAPPEN TO IT!!

I squirted the stain with Resolve (pet owners) and scrubbed away. It lightened the stain a bit, but didn't totally erase it.

Finally, I just closed my eyes and threw the silly thing in the washer, and went to bed. What good is it to own something if it just sits there, unused because of a flaw? Flies in the face of my life's mantra. Well, one of them.

The happy result? You're looking at it! It came out perfectly! So happy I can use this cute bag to go out and see the sights!

9 times out of 10, I have no problem laundering thrift store finds. Even items that are marked 'Dry Clean Only' come out beautifully. Every now and then, I have something fall apart, but in the grand scheme of things, that's still a bargain.

Happy Sunday everyone! Go enjoy this gorgeous day!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ring and Bracelet Combo for less than $5?? YES!!

First things first: Thanks for reading our 'A Week Of Claire's Prom' blog posts this week! We got some of our highest hits, especially on the posts about the dress and the total spent! Hopefully this has gotten those wheels rolling, and you can see the possibilities in your own life for rocking a fabulous, frugal prom look!!

I just wanted to share with you the ring/bracelet combo I wore to work yesterday. That unique ring was only $2.80 off the Kohl's clearance rack, and the two bead bracelets? Both were made, by me, from a thrifted necklace and bracelets from Goodwill. Resale beads are some of the best resources for making my own jewelry. Three thrifted bracelets are represented, and retailed for $1 apiece or less. The brown, sparkly bracelet is my favorite. The picture didn't capture the gorgeous sparkle quite as well as I'd hoped. Even Claire loved the look. My daughter is my number one appreciator :)

It was a tough week at work, as are all weeks when it's springtime. Nice to have a little flash of sparkle during the day!

Have a great weekend! What are your plans? It's rainy here, but Claire and I may head to the Arts Festival downtown later today. We've lived here 8 years and have never gone. I had a customer yesterday ask if that Kohl's ring was from an arts festival!

Friday, May 17, 2013

A Week Of Claire's Prom: Finishing Touches and Total Spent

We've pretty much covered every single item bought especially for Claire's prom.

The first picture was the best I could take that highlighted the professional makeup job Claire did. She bought her first pair of fake eyelashes for $6, and did a great job applying them. To me, they looked perfectly natural. She had the rest of the makeup already in her extensive collection!

Our stylist friend Saki did the pin up inspired 'do. Claire can do most hairstyles herself, but after researching and countless hours watching YouTube tutorial videos, she decided Saki was best. As usual, Saki hit it out of the park, and Claire was truly pleased. The red hair helps :)

That's it. The grand total for Claire's prom.......her outfit, her hair and accessories (that we bought), dinner before at La Scala and a snack after at Raising Canes's......$100.

If you wanna quibble, it was really $135, with her prom ticket.

Still, we consider that a VERY big win!

As I've stated before, Claire and my intention, by sharing our good deals with you, is to show you money is no object when you're trying to look your best. You can save just like we did. If you just plan ahead, you can pull together sweet ensembles for little $$$ too.

We promise.

Thank you for reading our blog!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Week Of Claire's Prom: The Bling and Bag

Aren't those pieces gorgeous! Actually, the clutch didn't photograph as beautifully as it is in real life.........fabulous, shiny red satin! The earrings and clutch look worthy of the collection of
Princess Diana and Kate. Yet, they came off the clearance rack at Charming Charlie's, courtesy Claire's bonus mama Kathy.

Have you been to Charming Charlie's? If not, you're missing a valuable ally in the war against EXPENSIVE PROM BLING AND BAGS!! Their shop has all the ambience of an expensive, exclusive boutique, without the guilt or hefty price tags. Any kind of earring, bracelet, ring, necklace, watch, scarf, sunglasses, or bag can be had, often, for $10 or less. The talented ladies at Charming Charlie's group all their items by color, so you can go in and tell at a glance just what you need to complete the perfect prom ensemble.

Now, if you're like Claire and I, going into a girlie accessory store is a lot of fun! Then, when you see the prices, you double your excitement! We often ask for CC gift cards for Christmas, so we can take advantage of not only their full priced goodies, but their extensive clearance items. Too much win to list here!

Being the lady she is, Kathy didn't tell me how much she spent on the bling and bag. I DO know she got fantastic deals, and as a result, Claire looked like she'd spent a fortune.

That was the whole idea <3

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Week Of Claire's Prom: DIY Nails, Jewelry and Hair Comb

Claire is SO blessed to have ladies in her life who help with the bling!

Grandma Dixie (my mom) got Claire several sets of the new nail art stickers for Christmas. Have you tried them? They're really cool, and a wonderful alternative to an expensive manicure. These particular black and silver nail stickers were perfect for Claire's prom look. You DO need to shape and/or file them after applying them, which can be a hassle, but otherwise Claire was thrilled with the results. Cost to Claire? Zero.

Kathy is Claire's fashion forward bonus mama :) She dreamed up a gorgeous comb for Claire's hair! She started with a beautiful, clearanced with white crystal accents. She then bought a wire comb from a hobby store, along with gold wire (they have different colors, depending on your project). She also found red crystals with holes for stringing. Kathy painstakingly sewed the red crystals onto the brooch, and then I sewed it on the comb itself. Saki, our fabulous hairdresser, completed our work by making sure the brooch/comb was securely fastened to Claire finished prom 'do. Cost to Claire? Zero, but an awful lot of love <3

Claire and I looked and looked for a suitable red ring to wear with her ensemble. Nothing was just right. I finally broke down and bought the pretty peachy-pink and gold stretch ring from Meijer. Claire added her red nail polish from the dollar store, and after two coats and a top layer of clear polish, the end result was perfect and wore like iron. Cost to Claire? Just $7 for the ring.

Tomorrow I will highlight the fabulous accessory buys Kathy found on clearance, but today I wanted to show how some simple DIY, along with the love of Claire's mom, bonus mom and grandma, contributed just the right touches to set her prom look on fire! Nothing was earthshakingly hard......I think the comb was the most time consuming, but they were all ultimately simple projects that added up to VA-VA-VA-VOOOOM!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Week Of Claire's Prom: The Shoes

For those of you not familiar with the buying of the Prom Shoe, let me fill you in: we're not looking for comfort, we're looking for drop dead gorgeous style. My girl, and all her friends, kick off those killer heels to dance the night away.

Stilettos usually photograph better than bare feet, anyway :P

Like Claire's dress, we started looking for the perfect shoes months before. When I find something hot in a heel, I buy it whether she has something to go with it or not. Odds are, down the road, she's gonna get that slinky gown and we'll already have the complimentary shoe to go with it. Plus, they're only $3.29 a pair at Goodwill, so why WOULDN'T I buy ahead?

I've mentioned the big shoe bins our Goodwill has. You gotta invest some time and some serious digging to find the gold, but it's there. That's where I found these beautiful black satin and gold heels. They were BRAND NEW, for $3.29, and the soles were leather. New at the mall, they had to run at least $50.

There was only one thing missing: the buckle at the top (see picture #2).

For $3.29, I wasn't gonna quibble. I snapped those bad boys up and took them home, thinking of ways to comlete the heels for prom. That's when I had a brainstorm and said, 'ribbon.'

Claire and I went to Walmart to the sewing dept. We perused their ribbon selection and found the perfect style: bold red with a black lace pattern. We cut the ribbon to the right length, rolled it into a tiny tube, and threaded it through the buckle-less loop. Once in, we tied the ribbon in a cute bow (see #3).

We were THRILLED with the result! Claire said the shoes fit tightly enough that they wouldn't fall off her feet (IMPORTANT!), her friends thought they were cool (DOUBLY IMPORTANT!) and they weren't too hard to walk in.......well, for such high heels, anyway!

The ribbons were toast by the end of the night, but for the price of a spool of ribbon ($2.97), it was a good trade off. The shoes are so nice, there's nothing wrong with buying other colors of ribbon to match other dresses.

Or, I could take them to the shoe repair in town. I'll bet they could replace the buckles.

Oh options on the cheap, with fabulous end results.........we love thee <3<3<3

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Week Of Claire's Prom: The Dress

Claire had the best time at her junior prom last Saturday night! She went with a great group of friends......they ate beforehand at La Scala, and then danced the night away! There's nothing like seeing all your friends gussied up! Comparing dresses, shoes and accessories is a blast!

It was fun for me too, to get together with the kids and their folks and other assorted relatives, to photograph them in their finest, on the beautiful grounds of Ohio Wesleyan. Nice to have that kind of beauty not 5 minutes away from our house!

You see all kinds of prom gowns. Long, short, hi-lo........poufy, sparkly, sleek. Everyone's personality really comes out when they shop for a formal event. Claire and I love to see what everyone's wearing. Facebook photos after the event are always fun to peruse, too.

I'm dedicating each day this week to spotlighting one part of Claire's prom ensemble on my blog. Today, it's that dress :)

A black satin confection by Jessica McClintock for Gunne Sax, it was a rich blend of sleek and taffeta sass. From the unique black onyx medallion at the throat, to the surprising lattice-laced back, to the formfitting hip to the mermaid hem and flowing I have to say this was Claire's most favorite formal ever?

The kicker? It was $10 from Goodwill. I'm not kidding.

After buying the gown, I came home to look up similar gowns online, to get an idea of it's original price. My research indicates that our gown cost $200-300 brand new. Yep, our jaws dropped.

Our usual next step, after buying a resale gown, is to take it to our girl Lucinda, here in Delaware, for alterations. However, this gown fit Claire like a glove, so that was money saved.....probably about $50.

Minarchek's cleaners charged $14 to make the gown runway ready.

Lucinda recommended we apply rubbing alcohol on a q-tip to make the onyx stones in the medallion shine. We were careful to avoid the edges of the stones, as the alcohol could remove any adhesive.

That's it for the dress.

Now, I realize there are those of you reading this, thinking, 'Erin and Claire are so lucky. They always find the good stuff at thrift stores. I'm not that lucky.'

We don't have any special 'thrift store karma.' We DO know how to find the gold, however. When shopping for a formal, we go a lot. Once a week. We may find nothing for a while, or maybe one gown that, eh, it'll do if we find nothing else. Every now and then, we find a whole rackful of possibilities, and we load up every single one in a cart (even the ones Claire doesn't think are all that great....those have turned out to be the winners that look totally different once she gets them on!). If you find something that's perfect but too big? Get it anyway and get it altered! We've done that several times! When you spend as little as $10 on a formal, you can afford to get it nipped and tucked! Then you can also get it cleaned and pressed to perfection. Again, you can afford it when you buy a dress for pennies.

You also have to start looking EARLY. None of this looking a week before the prom! Claire and I actually look at gowns all year round, every time we go to Goodwill. The mauve stunner she wore as a freshman and this year's number both came from the Goodwill in town. We didn't go out of our way at all. No mind numbing, checkbook blowing trips to various malls around Central Ohio. I put a reminder in my day planner and phone the minute we know when the prom is, and then plan accordingly.

The end result? Do you think Claire rocks the look? We sure do! I'd put her dress up against any of the other girls' and there would be NO WAY you could tell it's second hand. It also fit her perfectly, which is another trick for making sure your gown looks expensive. Sadly, there were several examples I saw on Facebook of gowns I know went for $$$ and were ill fitting. That had to be disappointing.

I don't EVER want my kid to think she can't attend an event because we are on a budget and can't afford an expensive gown. That's why we plan ahead and shop through the year to make sure we're prepared for the big night. That's also the reason why I began this blog. You can look fabulous and not spend a fortune.

My baby girl is living proof <3

Friday, May 10, 2013

Bangin' Bangle Friday 5/10: I 'Wooden' Lie To You

You would think, because I was born in Southern California, spent the first 10 years of my life there, feel most at home in the sand and the surf, and fervently believe I should have been born earlier so I could have fully participated not only in the Haight-Ashbury culture of 60's San Francisco, but also enjoyed and possibly fallen in love at Woodstock.......that I would REALLY dig a wooden bangle bracelet.

It's taken me years to find not one, but two that I really like. I've never been enamored of just a plain, wooden bangle, no matter the size. I don't know why. They are extremely mixable and stackable.

The common denominators in my two wooden bracelets? Not only did they both come from Plato's Closet, for pennies, but they have touches of gold. That kicks it up a notch for me. Never a fan of 'cutesy' yellow gold, but added to a dark, earthy bangle? NICE.

The bigger bangle stands well on it's own, and the smaller looks fabulous stacked with other bracelets, namely gold. I also mix it with turquoise beads, because there's just something very 'flower child/hippy/West Coast Chic' about that look. Not to mention a little Southwest flavor.......a throwback to my 6 years in Las Vegas.

Hmmm. I guess I didn't HAVE to be born earlier, to have an interesting, well traveled life :)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Nails Drive Me Crazy

Even though I'm a THRIFTNERD, there are some luxuries I really don't like doing without. One is my gel nails. Boy, I miss those things.

Back in the early 90's, I worked two jobs and was the mom of a baby boy. One of my jobs was as a receptionist at my friend Saki's beauty salon. As employees,we received our beauty services at a reduced rate. That was my first experience with acrylic nails. The girl who did them was young and not very experienced, and as a result, my nails were unusually thick. They made things like typing on a computer keyboard, or mothering a small child, quite a challenge, and I soon gave up and had them removed.

Several years later, my ex moved us to Las Vegas, and we had another child. When Claire was 18 months old, I asked to have acrylic nails as my Christmas present. I didn't like having the ugly stumps that seemed to announce 'look at me! I spend my days changing diapers and cleaning up messes!' This time, the nails were much thinner and like a natural nail, and I ended up having them for most of the next 15 years.

By the time I lived in Delaware, my nail tech talked me into gel nails. Much more durable than the acrylic, they were fabulous. They were also expensive. I could count on shelling out $45 a month, with tip. It was worth it though, I loved them.

A couple years ago, things got a bit tight in the ol' budget, and the nails were the first to go. Oh, the weeping. I just figured I'd buck up and try to give myself weekly manicures. Haha. 9 times out of 10, I was cutting those suckers off. Unless I had them painted, you could clearly see the dirt under the nails after a day of working in a lawnmower shop. I don't even work on the equpiment -_-

There are magical times, however. Like right now, as my pictures above show. My nails are growing long and they're not splitting or cracking (yet). However, take a good look at those pictures. The left hand nails are beautiful.....straight and shaped with barely any upkeep. My right hand? Yeah, it's the return of Derpina. They aren't just hard to keep shaped because I'm a righty, they even grow crazy! WHAT. THE. HECK.

Evenings, when I'm relaxing in my chair in front of mind numbing TV (and NOT making jewelry), you'll find me filing away, mostly on that blasted right hand. Times like that make me MISS MY FAKE NAILS VERY MUCH!!

I'm just whining. I let myself get spoiled and used to the luxury of having my nails done. When I did, I just felt more 'complete.'

It's all a state of mind, I know. I tell myself this is temporary, one day I'll have my nails again.

Right now, it's time to watch another YouTube tutorial on doing my best at home :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Don't Be That Girl..........

........with the bags of clothing stuffed in her closet, tags still attached.

Forlorn and forgotten.

Hey, life gets busy.

Desperately seeking an excuse for what I found last weekend in my closet!!

Around our house, stuff picks up speed around March, barely allows us a chance to catch our breath in April, and then starts to slow down sometime in mid-May. Everything around the house gets pushed aside as we try to tackle the mound of extracurricular activities vying for our attention every year at this time.

One of the biggest messes I was facing was my closet. I've said numerous times I'm no clean freak, but I DO need order to maintain my sanity. If I can't find what I need in my closet, it signals my body and brain to start the countdown toward my next meltdown. Ask my family: that's not good.

So, I finally settled down enough last Sunday night to tackle the closet mess. I knew I would feel that deeply satisfying rush when it was all completed, but I had NO idea my organizing would lead me to find.....

.....forgotten bags from Goodwill, filled with clothing. Tags still attached.

At this point, I must say life is providing me with at least one good opportunity a week to be ashamed of myself.

We make jokes about the 'shopaholics' who must continually spend money on clothing, then stash the unworn items in the back of their closet, to be forgotten and, perhaps dusted?

In one completely bizarre example of 'check your brain at the door'......several weeks ago I had tried on a truly lovely 'Miss Tina' jeans jacket. Matte gold and leather details really made it something special. It fit me perfectly, except in the shoulders; they needed to be taken in (I have tiny little shoulders, totally out of proportion to my, um, chest). I stood for a long time, looking at my reflection, wondering if it was worth my time and money to take it to my seamstress and have it tailored. I THOUGHT I had just put the jacket back on the rack, and I had obsessed over it every since, wishing I had just gone ahead and bought it. It was gone when I went back to look.

Guess what I found in a bag in the closet?

My only excuse (and it's really not a good one, sigh) is that my marathon '5 minute stops' at Goodwill, when combined with other errands, completely slipped my busy mind, making it very easy to stash those bags without a second thought or glance.

It doesn't make much sense to preach the pros of thrifting as a way to save the planet, if I myself am guilty of mindless consumption. Being a good steward of what I already have? SNORT. What difference does it make to have all my jewelry out where I can see it and wear it regularly, if I'm not practicing the same objective with my clothes?

Thankfully, there were only 3 bags in my closet. Just enough for that fresh shot of 'OH NO!' to hit my adrenaline and blood stream, present some nice surprises (Wow mom! When did you buy me THIS?!).........and provide fodder for yet ANOTHER 'Don't be that girl' blog post -_-

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dimestore DIY: Necklace Metamorphosis

When I make a piece of jewelry from existing findings I buy from thrift stores, it's like making a recipe from scratch. A little of this, a little of that.........a LOT of trial and error.

I bought this steampunk-like necklace from Goodwill for $1.75. Wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with it, but the small charm on it had peridot chips, and that's my birthstone. It's very hard to find peridot pieces that aren't too 'cutesy.'

First order of business was to remove the bigger, frame-like charm from the necklace. That was an easy decision, as the gold was peeling off! I also removed several of the round findings surrounding it. The gold was rubbling off, anyway. Then, it sat for a while. Like, a month.

In the meantime, I bought these cool earrings off the clearance rack at Walmart for $3. They were far too heavy for me to wear as earrings, but the beads are gorgeous, and they are all attached to gold ring findings.......these earrings will probably end up divided and used in various jewelry-making projects!

I removed one of the rings, and removed the peridot charm from the necklace. I replaced it's fading gold ring with the one from the earring. This task was made easier with a small wrench. I don't recommend twisting the ring closed with your teeth. If anything, it's a bad example for your daughter, after spending $4000 to have her teeth straightened :P

Once the ring was attached, I put the charm on an existing chain. VOILA! I love it! I don't know if I've ever had a peridot necklace before, but I'm very happy with this one. It can be worn alone or paired with other necklaces.

Not only do I now have a necklace I love, but there's the added satisfaction of knowing I made it myself. For $7 and a little sweat :)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

$$$ Prom Smart $$$

This is my beautiful bonus daughter, Kelli. Her front is just as gorgeous as her back, but I posted a pic from this angle just to show you the fabulous job Claire did on her hair for prom. Yes, I am a proud mama. It's obvious Claire is going into the right profession!

Prom season is upon us! One of my favorite things about Facebook is getting to see everyone's prom pictures. The dresses! The tuxes! The flowers! The jewelry! Love them all.

Even though prom is a blast, it can also be soooo expensive. Those pretties add up fast! For a girl, you've got the dress. You've got the nails and hair. Then there's jewelry. Makeup. Shoes! Don't forget the shoes! For guys, unless they have a nice, neutral suit, there's a tux to rent, with shoes. Flowers for the girl. Dinner out, and gas for the car (sometimes there's a group that rents a limo.........and THAT'S expensive).

Wait. We haven't even discussed the prom ticket prices. Claire's run $35 a piece.

Most parents want the prom experience for their kid. I know I do. How can you ensure they have a fabulous night, without bankrupting you (or themselves?).

First of all, I'm big on kids paying for their own stuff. If they have a job, please let them pay for most of their expenses. Always handing your kids goodies does nothing to instill a sense of pride and financial wisdom.

Next, sit down with your kid and find out just what their expections are for prom. What kind of dress does your daughter want? What's a realistic price for the dress, and your budget? What kind of accessories does she want?

Will grandma chip in? LOL.

Ok, so you know Claire and I are the reigning princess and queen of The Thrift Store Formal. We're not being egotistic, it's the truth. Since her first formal dance when she was in 7th grade, we have managed to find breathtaking gowns and accessories for next to nothing at Goodwill and other resale shops. We've also paid no more than $40 for a dress. When you shell out an average of $10 per gown, dry cleaning, alterations and accessories are no big deal. Through our years here in Delaware, we've managed to find the best cleaners and seamstress. Now when we find a dress second hand, we know without a doubt we have the resources at hand to make it a show stopper. Can't wait to show you the latest ensemble next weekend!

Why stop at the dress to save money, yet look beautiful? Do you have a friend who makes corsages? We do, and she's the best. How about having the dinner before the prom at your house, instead of an expensive foray out?. That's what Kelli and her date and their group did last night. One of the moms graciously cooked a wonderful meal to share.

Have a talented friend do your hair or nails! Or, YouTube a how to video. There are hundreds out there. Get together with your friends and give each other a little pampering! Check out the literally millions of nail color choices out there, often for $1.99. Frugal fun and lots of memories!

For the guys, having a neutral suit on hand DOES save money. Claire's boyfriend her freshman year had a great black suit, and he would buy a dress shirt and tie to coordinate with his date. You can get a lot of mileage out of a suit that way!

Claire has been blessed with a bonus mama who has excellent fashion sense, and has not only supplied her with beautiful prom jewelry, but also made some pieces! How about raiding your own mom's jewelry? Or a friend's, or grandma's? Claire has a grandma with the most extensive costume jewelry collection EVER, and she is so generous to not only loan but give pieces to Claire.

The options for frugal prom ideas are endless. Please don't limit yourself, or miss out on prom all together, thinking you must pay top dollar at the mall, bridal stores and expensive boutiques.

And keep those prom pictures coming! I love to see what you come up with!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Organizing For Senior Year

Every summer since Claire was born, summer time has meant clean/purge/organize time for her room. If you're reading that sentence and take it to mean I'm an immaculate clean fanatic, you are mistaken. I don't 'get off' on cleaning. I DO enjoy having just enough stuff to live a fabulous life.....and no more.

This year, Claire and I are facing a couple new obstacles in the way of our pursuit of an organized room. She's in the midst of her final month of junior year. Yep, I'll have my last high school senior next fall. Bittersweet? You betcha. I can't think of it without a huge lump developing in my throat. If it was important to have an organized room before, it's imperative now. She is a beyond busy gal.....choir competitions, dramatic productions, being an editior on the school newspaper, trips....and she's looking for a job. A few things going on.

Needless to say, I am not posting a picture of her REAL room. It's a minefield right now, due to the fact that's she's hardly ever home. We got in at 945 last night after a choir competition in downtown Columbus, and she was met by her best friend Kelli, who swept her away to her house for the night, so Claire could do her hair for prom today. Claire's not letting a whole lot of grass grow under her feet.

Even though she jumps from one activity to the next, Claire is going to have to start taking 'baby steps' in the organizing dept. Spending 'little minutes' on tasks like hanging up the huge pile of clean clothes on her chair, putting all the shoes back in their place in the closet, and making sure her jewelry (especially earrings) are safely ensconsed, will make a huge difference in just a few days.

She's going to have to take an additional step though, after everything is cleaned up, purged and put away. This is a step that's hard for ALL of us, not just teenage girls with active lives. We have to learn to PUT THINGS BACK WHEN WE'RE FINISHED WITH THEM. Done wearing those heels? Put them back in the closet. Done with that book? Put it back in the bookshelf. Dirty clothes? Hamper, please.

Almost everyone has an issue with that step. I come home from work, I'm tired. I look at the mail, and leave it on the kitchen island. For days. I might as well start dusting some of the stuff left there. If I took the 'baby step' of disposing of the mail after I read it, the mess would no longer be there, and I wouldn't be faced with organization nightmares on my weekends........when I have no idea where to start.

Are you faced with a houseful of cleaning/organizing projects? Use your 'little minutes' and start taking 'baby steps.' Then put everything away when you're finished. Don't get everything else that's worthwhile in life, time and effort are required for a wonderful end result.

Now, if you'll excuse me.....I have laundry calling my name.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Bangin' Bangle Bonus: Alarm Clock Bling?

I ask a lot of my jewelry. I also don't want to spend a lot on it. Pity my bling :P

Yesterday, I piled on the bright colors to pep me up at work. Today, feeling like death warmed over and needing to stay awake, I've piled on multiple bangles. These beauties came together, from Plato's Closet, and I spent the king's ransom of $8 on the set. I have never regretted it. Right size, great yellow and rose gold color, and the sound of them clanging together is like music! LOVE IT!!

I guess, when it comes to demanding so much of my jewelry, I'm like the customers at our lawnmower shop this time of year: they want it all, and they don't want to pay for it :P

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bangin' Bangle Friday: Channeling My Inner Phoebe

One of the nicest things about having my girl home in the afternoon (as opposed to her pulling 13 plus hour days practicing for a play or musical) is getting to catch up on our TV shows. Lately we've been reviving our love for 'Friends.' Do you have a favorite Friend? While I'll admit to a lifelong girl crush on Rachel (she must smell FABULOUS!), I myself am more like Phoebe. Dear, sweet, daffy, blonde Phoebe. With the fabulous jewelry.

Right now we're at our busiest time of the lawnmower/etc. year. It's not unusual for my husband and I to fight for bathroom and lunch time on a typical day. Not fight EACH OTHER, fight FOR it. The days are beyond busy, relentless, frustrating.......yeah, it's great.

So, I need all the help I can get. Today I threw on a bunch of gypsy/Phoebe inspired goodies to spice things up (SPICY!). With my $10 Sears watch, I wore a bunch of ethnic beaded stretch bracelets, complete with carved tribal animals. These beauties retailed for $5 at Closet Mentor.

On my right hand.......the beyond beautiful abalone and brass ring came from the Kohl's clearance rack for $3-$4. The brilliant glass beaded bracelets retailed for $6 from Goodwill. As crazy as my day was, my jewelry pepped me up every time I caught a glance of wrist or finger. Bottom line: my jewelry makes me happy.

I'm not about impressing people with my stuff. I love color, style and bling for MYSELF, and for the happiness it brings me.