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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Changin' The Name Of Mah Blog

First of all, I've noticed something.

When I do a 'true confessions' type blog post, like today's overspending, or 'keep your hands off my stuff,' or 'never buying new again,' i get my most reader views. You DO like it when I'm a trainwreck, don't you?

If I made this a Kardashian fanblog, my views would go through the roof :P

Anywho, I am changing the name of my blog. I will always be a Madre, and I will always be a-Musing, but a blog about thrifting might be better suited with a name like 'thriftnerd.'

Make it so, Number 1.

I Overdid It This Month :(

'Um, dear? The amount you spent at Goodwill this month is the same amount I need to spend on that part for my truck.'


Good things, like bad, CAN be overdone. You can still gain weight on sugar free food. Too many trips to the Humane Society can result in way too many pets.

And....too many trips to the thrift store can do as much damage to the checkbook as any other store, if you don't plan correctly.

Granted, I started out with the best of intentions (always). I was finishing up Claire's prom ensemble. I was shopping for gifts. I was on the lookout for formals for two people. We needed new shoes. And on and on.

My husband's comment to me yesterday made me stop and think. Please don't ask if I was gracious when he pointed it out. That's a blog post for another day :/

I went through the checkbook ledger for April and found out (gulp) that I had indeed spent $202.76.

After spending the right amount of time being horrified at myself, I regrouped. Most of what I bought wasn't frivolous, but I'm on a budget. I don't go to Kroger and mindlessly spend. I have a list and I stick to it. I have to do the same thing at Goodwill.

Now, the reason I posted this VERY personal experience is to dispel the myth that I never make thrifting mistakes. Au contraire. Should I come across too smug and sure of myself, God is bound to allow me to fall publically, or else I can disclose it myself.

However, this is NOT the opportunity for you to say, 'oh, I would NEVER do something like THAT.'

Pride goeth before a fall, blah blah.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Serendipity..........or Gigantic DUH

Am I the only one who reads a unbelievably easy but marvelous tip and hits her head with her hand, saying 'WELL DUH!' Why can't I come up with that on my own? Must I always be spoon fed?

Thankfully, every now and then I myself get hit with the easy but awesome. Human nature being what it is, I tend to forget those more than the negative stuff :P

Case in point: today's lovely DIY bracelet. It's actually a necklace that I bought from Goodwill, hoping to take apart and make a bracelet. I bought it for $1, brought it home, sat in my TV chair (I do my jewelry making while turning my mind to goo) and absent-mindedly started wrapping it around my wrist. Low and behold, it fits! It looks great with my old Forever 21 brown boho ring, too.

I've tried wrapping necklaces around my wrist as a bracelet before, but they're either painfully tight or waaaaayyyy too long. This time, it worked! It sounds numbingly easy, and you're probably thinking, 'did she really waste a blog post on this?', but now I'm intrigued and want to go back and look through my necklaces again.........

If this has never occurred to you, because you're too busy working through string theory or just matching up your toddler's're welcome oxoxo

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Rockin' Ring Wednesday: 50th Anniversary Trip Edition

As I write this, my in laws have completed the first leg of their 50th anniversary trip, having just touched down in Atlanta. A few more thousand miles to go........and tonight, they'll be sleeping in Hawaii! How exciting for them! The weather has GOT to be better than the misery and dreck we're enduring here today in Central Ohio. Claire especially must be thrilled in the downpour.....she and the cast from 'Hello, Dolly!' are trekking around Delaware, visitng nursing homes in their costumes and singing for the enjoyment of the residents. I'm sure the rain must add much to their finery :X

Anyway, even though Spring weather has been pretty touch and go lately, there's no rule saying we can't brighten our days with some springy-bling! I absolutely love this ring, for several reasons: 1.) it's matte gold, and that always looks classy, 2.) it's ORANGE, and that's one of my favorite colors (think creamsicle!), and 3.)it came from Plato's Closet, for a cost of $5. Winwinwin. Win.

I have several spring time fresh pieces of jewelry I trot out on especially yucky days. Now if only I could hoist this ring aloft, like Dr. Who and his screwdriver, and help the sun to get the hint!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Collecting? Or 12 Step Program?

Yes. I bought another one. I also filled it up.

Not too long ago, I posted pictures of the ways I organized my jewelry, and kept it all within my sight so I could see it every day when I got ready for the day. I THOUGHT I had my bracelets all organized, but then I found another organizer at Goodwill.......and when I brought it home, I FILLED IT UP!!

So, now I have two large (and one small) hanging bracelet organizers. A week later, it has paid off in that I have worn bracelets that hadn't been added to the rotation in a while, due to me not seeing them.........because they were all mashed together. With the added organizer, everything is laid out much better.

So. Now that I've attempted to justify all of this, let me mull a bit.

I have a LOT (Understatement Of The Century) of bracelets. True, most of them cost between $1-$3. There are some pricier pieces in there, but they are in the minority. It is just too dang easy to pop into a thrift store, Plato's Closet, Closet Mentor, or an antique store, and come out with at least one gorgeous and cheap bracelet. In the past, you've seen a lot of these bracelets require a good dose of brass polish, or bead reconstruction/restringing.

I have big bracelets, to be worn on their own........medium sized bracelets, to be grouped with other like sized pieces, and small beaded and chain numbers that are worn with my watches. I have 3, by the way.

I'll admit it. When I filled this latest organizer with absolutely no trouble, at first I was horrified. WHO HAS THIS MANY BRACELETS??? Good grief! Then, when I stepped back, I realized it truly is a collection. Some people collect figurines, or paintings. Pokemon cards or first edition hardback books. Record albums.

In high school, I collected unicorns and gnomes. I also had a stick pin collection.

When I finally started breathing again, I realized my bracelet collection has cost me very little money. It's not a collection of fine china or Hummel figurines, for pete's sake. I don't schedule my life around my aquisition of bracelets. When you're running out for milk or bunny food, and you pop into Goodwill for 5 minutes and find a beautiful brass bangle for $3? Barely a blip on my screen.

I always go back to, 'am I being a good steward of what I have?' With my new organizer, I am. I can wear every bracelet I own, because I see them all with a glance. If they sat there and gathered dust.....THEN, I'd have a reason to feel guilty!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Begrudgingly Right Brained

Marilyn <3. The Gold Standard for us right brained blondes.......but she tried to improve herself mentally until her dying day. Hard to believe about an icon, isn't it? Alas, no matter HOW famous and adored you are, the grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side of the fence.

I am right brained. I love music and art and fashion. I suffered through science and math in school, and didn't go any higher than the entry level in both areas. I could tell you the song that was playing that day on the beach back in the summer of 1972, but I don't remember the square root of ANYTHING. I am unbelievably thrilled to my toes when my checkbook balances. You'd think I found the cure for cancer :P

I'm the type of girl who will remember what you were wearing the day we met. The other night, I met with other parents to plan the big dinner we always have after the high school musical matinee, and it was my first time to meet them. One mom had matching Vera Bradley accessories, and the other wore a beautiful red dress. Why are these details necessary? If I had more room in my brain, I might be a doctor today. Nope, I'm too busy remembering that blue satin dress you wore to my brother's wedding in '92, or the gorgeous jewelry and tattoos my delivery room nurse sported when I had Claire in Vegas. Sigh. It's the important things.

When we think of uber smart women, all too often we think of Amy-Farrah Fowler, Sheldon's lovelorn neuroscientist girlfriend on 'The Big Bang Theory.' She's obsessed with Penny, the absolutely gorgeous but hopelessly vapid Cheesecake Factory waitress. Yes, they're stereotypes, but they also play out truthfully in the real world.

There ARE exceptions. Several years ago, I subscribed to a fashion blog written by 4 women who were doctorate students, and wanted to show you could have beauty and brains too. They succeeded, and I loved reading their blog and seeing their fashionable wardrobes, but life got way too busy (and scholarly!), and they had to end the blog. I may not have a scientific or mathematic bone in my body, but I love to read, I loved English, and reading a blog written by women who used proper syntax was a turn on.

When I took Spanish 2 in my junior year of high school, my teacher was Debra Veddor. THERE is a woman who has successfully combined beauty and brains! In fact, she was the total package, unfortunately lost on most immature high school minds. She is witty, extremely smart, and just breathtaking. One of the highlights of my day was seeing what beautiful dress she wore (she ALWAYS wore dresses, and a different one every day). Today she is one of my favorite Facebook friends, and she's still at the top of her game. Debbie, you're my hero :)

I have spent my life wishing I'd had the cranial space to stuff the knowledge needed to be a nurse, or an engineer. I admire women who are accomplished in these areas.

The last few years, however, have made me realize I'm just what God created me to be. I am a social girl, enjoying others, learning from them, and secretly admiring their fashion sense. I don't judge anyone who wears sweats to the store (I do, on occasion), but I love to people watch at the mall or on an airplane, as folks seem to put themselves together on those occasions, and it's fun to see what they're wearing. I love to read fasion magazines and put together similar outfits and looks based on what I find at the thrift store. Saving money but looking my best is my passion.

I always think, 'someday I'll go to college, when I figure out what I want to do when I grow up.'

Maybe I will, and maybe I won't :)

Friday, April 12, 2013

What Really Matters In Life

What's truly important.

I love this blog. It allows me to spout off about two of my very favorite subjects: fashion and thrift. The fact that I get so many 'hits' from YOU, gentle reader, validates that you too might feel the same way. Or, maybe I'm just such a trainwreck, my life is infinitely entertaining.

On average, I get about 20 'hits' per blog post. I think that's pretty good.

However, the biggest amount of 'hits' I ever got was for the post I made a couple weeks back about the fabulous life and heavenly homegoing of Ron Bain. By today's count? 157 'hits.' You guys know what's important!

Here's my take...........while shopping and wardrobes and saving money are wonderful diversions, sometimes what's really important in life needs to take precedence. Today is one of those days. I have several 'fashion/thrift' subjects percolating in the back of my mind, but it's been a WEEK.

First of all, it was a very happy Easter for my sweet 'sis' Stefanie. She allowed Jesus into her life and heart and is experiencing His presence, even in the midst of some very stressful trials. I love her so much. She is a fabulous example of a truly kind and sensitive heart.

I'm a firm believer in KARMA. Sometimes it takes years after being treated shabbily to see KARMA in action, as in the revelation this week that things I have taken the blame for for over 10 years are now being put in their proper place. Like, I was innocent after all. As sweet as it would have been to have this revelation when the accusations were made, it's perfectly fine to have it happen now. It just makes me cry, because I don't feel vindicated. Just sad.

Sometimes though, KARMA is MUCH swifter. After a truly horrible incident a couple months ago, KARMA swooped in this week and proved she's always watching. I knew she was, but it was nice for the reminder :)

Someone very close to our family is experiencing overwhelming, shock, loss and sadness this week, and as a result, we feel it, too. Another instance that makes me cry. It's gonna be long road, but they are very resilient, and in the end they will be the winner because they're using this time of grief to rely solely on God, to pray constantly for strength and guidance, and He always answers. Are you a praying person? Could you pray for them with us? Thank you <3

Finally, my sweet Papa Harold spent this week in the hospital. He experienced TIA symptoms, which mimic a stroke. They ran every single test they could, and finally sent him home yesterday with no diagnosis. While he feels great, it would be awfully nice to find out and prevent what's causing the TIA. He's going to be 78 this coming July, and we are so lucky to have him, but, YEAH. Answers would be GREAT.

I could treat myself to mindless shopping and eating to take my mind off everything I've mentioned above, but I'm not going to. I'm allowing myself to experience all of it, over every inch of my body, because when you stuff yourself and self medicate to escape the pain, you just save it for another day. I do NOT want to 'save' it. It needs to GO.

Having said that, though.........I WILL be going through my jewelry and reorganzing what I have this weekend. I'm looking forward to it.

Enjoying my own 'sparklies' take the edge off without costing me money or making me fat.

Thanks for reading, guys. Have a wonderful weekend and God bless you <3<3<3

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Get Your Hands Off My Stuff!!

Caroline on 'Two Broke Girls,' discovering the agony and ecstacy of thrift store shopping.

I always like to post about POSITIVE thrift store experiences. Goodness knows, there's enough negative stereotypes about resale shopping out there already.........why add to it? Sometimes though, I gotta spread some bad news, but I disguise it as advice :P

Last week, I found a brand new pair of DKNY sneakers at Goodwill. Only $3.29, they run $50 or higher in stores. They were my size, so I nabbed those puppies and continued to shop.

Immediately, an older woman spied them and started a very animated conversation with me about those shoes. It was pretty obvious she was interested in them, and acted as though she wanted me to offer them to her! I was polite, but let her know they were MINE. I also held them a little tighter.

As wonderful as thrifting is, once you have a goodie, guard it with your life! If you have a shopping cart, hide your prize under something unattractive. Never take your eyes off of it, or set it down unattended. If there's less and less courtesy in the world nowadays, it's never more obvious than in a thrift store. That one of a kind treasure is just as appealing to someone else..........but you got there first!

This is also why I grab something the minute I have an inkling I might want it. If I wait, and go through the rest of the store first, odds are it may not be there when I get back. This has happened to me numerous times. If you carry something around with you, and later decide not to get it, what does it cost you? Nothing, except the peace of mind that you didn't let a goodie go!

There's always a caveat, of course. If I had grabbed those shoes and didn't really need them (I did, by the way), maybe I WOULD have offered them to that lady. I'm not an ogre. As it was, I was in need of those shoes, and she had a fully-packed-to-the-gills shopping cart of her own, complete with several pairs of shoes. I noticed she wore a smaller size than me, and the pickings are a lot richer for the smaller sizes. I wear a big old size 10, so I gotta get what I can!

I hate to post stuff like this, but be aware! And pay it forward when you can. If you have a pair of cool jeans for your daughter and she already has 14 pairs, maybe that young mom might need them more :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Warm Weather, V Necks and Necklaces

What a beautiful weekend! We are having some seriously nice weather and SUN!! I can't help but think of coming days.....when I put away my fleece and scarves for work, and wear v-neck t-shirts and NECKLACES!!

This is where I store my short necklaces in my bathroom. Like my ring, earring and bracelet storage, the necklaces are right where I can see them as I'm dressing for work, so I can see at a glance what I have. I originally stored them in a hanging part of my dresser/jewelry box, but out of sight, out of mind. Nothing like not using what you have!

The added bonus? These necklaces were all bought resale! Nothing above $10.

While we're on the subject, have you ever had a necklace you absolutely loved, but it was too short? Me? More times than I can count!

Thankfully, you can buy 'chain adjusters' where you find extra earring backs and ring sizers. A little extra length on your favorite necklace can turn it into your favorite again :)

Here's to (finally) warmer weather and MORE BLING!!!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Bangin' Bangle Friday 4/5: Cartier? No Way!

Ah,my love of all things Cartier. It's such a curse for those of us stuck in the 'but I need to feed my family' rut! Luckily for us, there are plenty of 'fakie-bakes' out there that will suffice. My self worth and esteem are not based on making sure I only wear and carry designers. 'Just-As-Goods' make me Just-As-Happy.

Case in point: the first photo is of an 18K gold Cartier Love Bracelet. They come in all metals, and some are sprinkled with diamonds. This classy little number is ONLY $5,800. Chump change.

Or, you can do as I did and, when you go into Sears to buy that new appliance (or in my case, a pair of work boots for the Love Of My Life), peruse the jewelry and find THESE lovely little fakes. They had them in all colors of enamel, on sale for about $8. Yes, I bought two. I think they're gorgeous, especially the white, with my spring and summer stuff.

As an added bonus? I didn't have to feed my family the fancy bag they came in for dinner :) Wins all around!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Never Buying New Again

I'll admit it. I am a black belt thrifter. I can't get enough of the thrill of the hunt. Saving money on items that would normally set me back $$$ if I bought them brand new is a serious, legal high. I love putting together outfits and grouping home decor items that cost me pennies on the dollar. You've heard me go on about it all until your eyes are glazing over :P Thanks for being such great sports.

What exactly have I gotten second hand? More than I can list here, that's for sure. If you thrift often and well, you may never pay full price for the following items again..........

all clothing, including: jeans, tops, sweaters, dresses, cocktail dresses, prom dresses outerwear, shoes, hats, belts, suspenders, ties...........and, bought new with tags: bras, socks, pantyhose, swimsuits and other assorted undergarments.

jewelry to fill the biggest football stadiums: earrings, bracelets, rings, watches, and necklaces

purses, tote bags, makeup bags, coin purses, backpacks, suitcases, cell phone cases......not to mention, designer purses

bedspreads, sheets, curtains, pillows (they are sanitized and ticketed to prove it), mattress covers, sleeping bags, tableclothes, cloth napkins, rugs, and every kind of homemade quilt imaginable

makeup, lotion, bubble bath and other toiletries, still sealed/unopened

toys, games, puzzles, bikes (all sizes)

baby items: literally EVERYTHING (check Consumer Reports and the internet to make sure you aren't buying something that's been recalled)

vinyl records, cds, dvds, videotapes, cassette can get 10 videotapes for $1 right now at Goodwill. Especially good for Claire, who's the only one in the house with a working videotape player

coffee makers, George Foreman grills (ad nauseum), every single kitchen gadget imaginable

coffee cups, travel mugs, water bottles

holiday decor......ALL holidays. Some of the most beautiful Christmas trees and nativity sets you've ever seen

CANDLES! Often brand new and unused. I've seen Yankee and Partylite

sports equipment

musical instruments, including keyboards, pianos and organs

books! every single kind of book imaginable, including Bibles and textbooks

antique china sets, any kind of dinnerware set, glasses and all other tableware (silverware too)

silver trays, sugar and creamer sets, appetizer trays and tiered dishes, salt and pepper shakers, hot pads

stoves, microwaves, toaster ovens (thrift stores should have working outlets where you can test this stuff before buying)

every single piece of furniture you can imagine, lamps, clocks, radios, cd players, record players, framed art, posters

more knick knacks and trinkets you'll ever be able to see in your lifetime

binders, notebook paper, stationary, index cards and boxes, Christmas cards, invitations for anything under the sun, thank you cards, plain notecards, daily planners, calendars, pens and pencils


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Rockin' Ring Tuesday 4/2: BAM!

This is a real ring! My middle aged self is rocking this along with my new work boots today.........because I AM that hardcore, thankyouverymuch!

I actually got this at Meijer, and I don't quite remember what I paid for it.......probably about $7, since it was on sale and then I get Brendan's discount. I love it! Not for the dainty or faint of heart, and sometimes it gets hung up on my fleece pocket when I'm grabbing for my pen, but it's worth it.

It would probably double nicely for brass knuckles. You know, in a pinch :P

On a side note......if you shop at Goodwill, have you received a blue card? If not, ask for yours the next time you're checking out! With every $10 purchase, they stamp your card, and when it's filled up, it entitles you to $10 in free (FREE!) Goodwill merchandise! My latest full card got me FOUR pairs of footwear......leather ankle boots, grey faux snakeskin slingbacks, gorgeous grey satin flip flops with gold and pearl beading, and a like new pair of velvet slippers.....all for $3.50 with the card. DEFINITELY worth it!!