Marilyn <3. The Gold Standard for us right brained blondes.......but she tried to improve herself mentally until her dying day. Hard to believe about an icon, isn't it? Alas, no matter HOW famous and adored you are, the grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side of the fence.
I am right brained. I love music and art and fashion. I suffered through science and math in school, and didn't go any higher than the entry level in both areas. I could tell you the song that was playing that day on the beach back in the summer of 1972, but I don't remember the square root of ANYTHING. I am unbelievably thrilled to my toes when my checkbook balances. You'd think I found the cure for cancer :P
I'm the type of girl who will remember what you were wearing the day we met. The other night, I met with other parents to plan the big dinner we always have after the high school musical matinee, and it was my first time to meet them. One mom had matching Vera Bradley accessories, and the other wore a beautiful red dress. Why are these details necessary? If I had more room in my brain, I might be a doctor today. Nope, I'm too busy remembering that blue satin dress you wore to my brother's wedding in '92, or the gorgeous jewelry and tattoos my delivery room nurse sported when I had Claire in Vegas. Sigh. It's the important things.
When we think of uber smart women, all too often we think of Amy-Farrah Fowler, Sheldon's lovelorn neuroscientist girlfriend on 'The Big Bang Theory.' She's obsessed with Penny, the absolutely gorgeous but hopelessly vapid Cheesecake Factory waitress. Yes, they're stereotypes, but they also play out truthfully in the real world.
There ARE exceptions. Several years ago, I subscribed to a fashion blog written by 4 women who were doctorate students, and wanted to show you could have beauty and brains too. They succeeded, and I loved reading their blog and seeing their fashionable wardrobes, but life got way too busy (and scholarly!), and they had to end the blog. I may not have a scientific or mathematic bone in my body, but I love to read, I loved English, and reading a blog written by women who used proper syntax was a turn on.
When I took Spanish 2 in my junior year of high school, my teacher was Debra Veddor. THERE is a woman who has successfully combined beauty and brains! In fact, she was the total package, unfortunately lost on most immature high school minds. She is witty, extremely smart, and just breathtaking. One of the highlights of my day was seeing what beautiful dress she wore (she ALWAYS wore dresses, and a different one every day). Today she is one of my favorite Facebook friends, and she's still at the top of her game. Debbie, you're my hero :)
I have spent my life wishing I'd had the cranial space to stuff the knowledge needed to be a nurse, or an engineer. I admire women who are accomplished in these areas.
The last few years, however, have made me realize I'm just what God created me to be. I am a social girl, enjoying others, learning from them, and secretly admiring their fashion sense. I don't judge anyone who wears sweats to the store (I do, on occasion), but I love to people watch at the mall or on an airplane, as folks seem to put themselves together on those occasions, and it's fun to see what they're wearing. I love to read fasion magazines and put together similar outfits and looks based on what I find at the thrift store. Saving money but looking my best is my passion.
I always think, 'someday I'll go to college, when I figure out what I want to do when I grow up.'
Maybe I will, and maybe I won't :)
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