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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I Overdid It This Month :(

'Um, dear? The amount you spent at Goodwill this month is the same amount I need to spend on that part for my truck.'


Good things, like bad, CAN be overdone. You can still gain weight on sugar free food. Too many trips to the Humane Society can result in way too many pets.

And....too many trips to the thrift store can do as much damage to the checkbook as any other store, if you don't plan correctly.

Granted, I started out with the best of intentions (always). I was finishing up Claire's prom ensemble. I was shopping for gifts. I was on the lookout for formals for two people. We needed new shoes. And on and on.

My husband's comment to me yesterday made me stop and think. Please don't ask if I was gracious when he pointed it out. That's a blog post for another day :/

I went through the checkbook ledger for April and found out (gulp) that I had indeed spent $202.76.

After spending the right amount of time being horrified at myself, I regrouped. Most of what I bought wasn't frivolous, but I'm on a budget. I don't go to Kroger and mindlessly spend. I have a list and I stick to it. I have to do the same thing at Goodwill.

Now, the reason I posted this VERY personal experience is to dispel the myth that I never make thrifting mistakes. Au contraire. Should I come across too smug and sure of myself, God is bound to allow me to fall publically, or else I can disclose it myself.

However, this is NOT the opportunity for you to say, 'oh, I would NEVER do something like THAT.'

Pride goeth before a fall, blah blah.

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