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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Never Buying New Again

I'll admit it. I am a black belt thrifter. I can't get enough of the thrill of the hunt. Saving money on items that would normally set me back $$$ if I bought them brand new is a serious, legal high. I love putting together outfits and grouping home decor items that cost me pennies on the dollar. You've heard me go on about it all until your eyes are glazing over :P Thanks for being such great sports.

What exactly have I gotten second hand? More than I can list here, that's for sure. If you thrift often and well, you may never pay full price for the following items again..........

all clothing, including: jeans, tops, sweaters, dresses, cocktail dresses, prom dresses outerwear, shoes, hats, belts, suspenders, ties...........and, bought new with tags: bras, socks, pantyhose, swimsuits and other assorted undergarments.

jewelry to fill the biggest football stadiums: earrings, bracelets, rings, watches, and necklaces

purses, tote bags, makeup bags, coin purses, backpacks, suitcases, cell phone cases......not to mention, designer purses

bedspreads, sheets, curtains, pillows (they are sanitized and ticketed to prove it), mattress covers, sleeping bags, tableclothes, cloth napkins, rugs, and every kind of homemade quilt imaginable

makeup, lotion, bubble bath and other toiletries, still sealed/unopened

toys, games, puzzles, bikes (all sizes)

baby items: literally EVERYTHING (check Consumer Reports and the internet to make sure you aren't buying something that's been recalled)

vinyl records, cds, dvds, videotapes, cassette can get 10 videotapes for $1 right now at Goodwill. Especially good for Claire, who's the only one in the house with a working videotape player

coffee makers, George Foreman grills (ad nauseum), every single kitchen gadget imaginable

coffee cups, travel mugs, water bottles

holiday decor......ALL holidays. Some of the most beautiful Christmas trees and nativity sets you've ever seen

CANDLES! Often brand new and unused. I've seen Yankee and Partylite

sports equipment

musical instruments, including keyboards, pianos and organs

books! every single kind of book imaginable, including Bibles and textbooks

antique china sets, any kind of dinnerware set, glasses and all other tableware (silverware too)

silver trays, sugar and creamer sets, appetizer trays and tiered dishes, salt and pepper shakers, hot pads

stoves, microwaves, toaster ovens (thrift stores should have working outlets where you can test this stuff before buying)

every single piece of furniture you can imagine, lamps, clocks, radios, cd players, record players, framed art, posters

more knick knacks and trinkets you'll ever be able to see in your lifetime

binders, notebook paper, stationary, index cards and boxes, Christmas cards, invitations for anything under the sun, thank you cards, plain notecards, daily planners, calendars, pens and pencils


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