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Friday, April 12, 2013

What Really Matters In Life

What's truly important.

I love this blog. It allows me to spout off about two of my very favorite subjects: fashion and thrift. The fact that I get so many 'hits' from YOU, gentle reader, validates that you too might feel the same way. Or, maybe I'm just such a trainwreck, my life is infinitely entertaining.

On average, I get about 20 'hits' per blog post. I think that's pretty good.

However, the biggest amount of 'hits' I ever got was for the post I made a couple weeks back about the fabulous life and heavenly homegoing of Ron Bain. By today's count? 157 'hits.' You guys know what's important!

Here's my take...........while shopping and wardrobes and saving money are wonderful diversions, sometimes what's really important in life needs to take precedence. Today is one of those days. I have several 'fashion/thrift' subjects percolating in the back of my mind, but it's been a WEEK.

First of all, it was a very happy Easter for my sweet 'sis' Stefanie. She allowed Jesus into her life and heart and is experiencing His presence, even in the midst of some very stressful trials. I love her so much. She is a fabulous example of a truly kind and sensitive heart.

I'm a firm believer in KARMA. Sometimes it takes years after being treated shabbily to see KARMA in action, as in the revelation this week that things I have taken the blame for for over 10 years are now being put in their proper place. Like, I was innocent after all. As sweet as it would have been to have this revelation when the accusations were made, it's perfectly fine to have it happen now. It just makes me cry, because I don't feel vindicated. Just sad.

Sometimes though, KARMA is MUCH swifter. After a truly horrible incident a couple months ago, KARMA swooped in this week and proved she's always watching. I knew she was, but it was nice for the reminder :)

Someone very close to our family is experiencing overwhelming, shock, loss and sadness this week, and as a result, we feel it, too. Another instance that makes me cry. It's gonna be long road, but they are very resilient, and in the end they will be the winner because they're using this time of grief to rely solely on God, to pray constantly for strength and guidance, and He always answers. Are you a praying person? Could you pray for them with us? Thank you <3

Finally, my sweet Papa Harold spent this week in the hospital. He experienced TIA symptoms, which mimic a stroke. They ran every single test they could, and finally sent him home yesterday with no diagnosis. While he feels great, it would be awfully nice to find out and prevent what's causing the TIA. He's going to be 78 this coming July, and we are so lucky to have him, but, YEAH. Answers would be GREAT.

I could treat myself to mindless shopping and eating to take my mind off everything I've mentioned above, but I'm not going to. I'm allowing myself to experience all of it, over every inch of my body, because when you stuff yourself and self medicate to escape the pain, you just save it for another day. I do NOT want to 'save' it. It needs to GO.

Having said that, though.........I WILL be going through my jewelry and reorganzing what I have this weekend. I'm looking forward to it.

Enjoying my own 'sparklies' take the edge off without costing me money or making me fat.

Thanks for reading, guys. Have a wonderful weekend and God bless you <3<3<3

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