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Monday, November 5, 2012

Much Ado About Crew

The fashion blogs I read incorporate thrift purchases into their wardrobes, but they also buy some high end stuff. Especially J. Crew. What IS the deal with J. Crew?

The stuff is nice, but I think it's EXPENSIVE, and I see cheaper options that are just as nice. You can buy beautiful cashmere at Penney's for much smaller coin, and Christmas sales are a'comin!!

Back in 1986, when J. Crew was a fairly new company, I bought a very pretty cable knit sweater there. I don't remember how much it was, but I know it was more than I'd ever spent for an item of clothing before. Alas, it didn't wash up very well, so I probably wore it 3 times. Hmph.

Isn't this a pretty bracelet? Yep, I'm drooling (MY PRECIOUS!!). Only $88 at J. Crew. Chic, sophisticated and very chunky.

  • Brass, copper-coated bead links.
  • Shiny gold plating

  • Yum, yum, yum.............I've got it 'favorited.'  It's bound to go on sale...........someday.

    I'm not settling for doing without!  I got this special little number from behind the glass case at the Marion Goodwill last winter.  Claire was practicing for her role in 'Meet Me In St. Louis,' which left me tons of time to prowl what Marion has to offer in the way of retail offerings.   I hadn't found ANYTHING that night, until I stumbled upon this.  And blinked.  Pictures really don't do it justice.  Gold AND silver links, which are perfect for me, since I love to mix my metals!  I'm a gold girl, but sometimes all gold jewelry looks too 'sweet' for me, and throwing some hardcore silver into the mix makes it perfect!  The icing on the cake?  THIS bracelet was $3.  BOOM.

    It's the perfect bracelet to wear with EVERYTHING, and I'm not kidding.  Dressed up or down, it's amazing.  I wear it with other bracelets or on it's own.

    I bought it, I put it on, and then I went grocery shopping.  Because I had enough money to rock a fabulous bracelet AND feed the fam. <3 <3 <3

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