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Thursday, November 8, 2012


Those of you who are my age will remember Speidel I.D. bracelets.  They were sold at the jewelry counter in places like Kmart.   So many different styles and in both silver and gold!  I loved them and always wanted one, but never got one at the height of their popularity.

Well guess what?  ID bracelets are BACK, and not only that, they are being grouped with various other bangles, chains, etc. for the new 'stacked bracelet look.'   The more the merrier, so to speak.

I love an armful of bracelets, but I do have my limit.  I like to be able to move around freely, for one.  You run the risk of catching yourself on something when you have a large 'arm party' going on.

One bracelet with my watch, and maybe about 4 on the other arm, sounds good............and I mean literally SOUNDS.  You announce yourself like no one's business when you're wearing stacked bracelets!  As with anything fashion related though, you wear what YOU want!!  If you can rock an armful of blingy goodness and still function as a member of society, GO FOR IT!!

When Claire has her voice lessons, I'm finding I have about 20 good minutes of time to pop into one of the antique stores in downtown Delaware.  Yesterday I found an ACTUAL, BRAND NEW, Speidel ID bracelet.  For $15, I grabbed it up.  Today I am conducting a 'fashion trial run' and wearing it, by itself, on my right wrist.  So far, so's big but most bracelets on my teeny midget wrists are.

I had to dig for this, it wasn't just out on the counter, screaming my name.  Most of the goodies I find DO require digging...........but it's soooo worth it :)

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