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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Nothing But Thankfulness

It happens.

There are days when I don't WANT to talk about thrift stores or saving money.

Today is one of those days :)

Instead, with Thanksgiving less than a week away, I'd like to list some things I'm truly thankful for.

First of all, I am so thankful for my salvation.  If you've been my Facebook friend for any length of time, you probably know by now that I'm a Christian.   I am saved by Christ's death on the cross, and I accepted His free gift of salvation.  I couldn't earn it, so He bought it for me, with His life.  I can't repay Him, but I can live my life for His glory.

I am so thankful for my family.  For my husband Michael, my kids Amber, Brent, Brendan and Claire, for our parents and siblings (yes, all of them).  They were put in our lives to help us grow.  Some lighten the load and bless us with their presence.  They know who they are!

I'm thankful for my job.  I'm thankful that, after praying and searching, God opened up the perfect opportunity for me: a job with my husband as my boss.  I know I know........most people don't think that's a good idea.  Well, for us, it works.  I hadn't worked for 15 years, and I needed to be eased back into the work world.  I don't make a lot of money, and I don't have any benefits, but I DO have flexible hours that allow me to stay involved in outside activities, especially Claire's.  When she graduates, I'm probably going to have to explore other options.  I have no doubt the Lord that provided this perfect job will open something up.

I'm thankful for this house.  It's warm and cozy.  We have enough room for all of us and our 8 pets.  We don't have the best of everything in this house, but what we do have, Michael can keep humming.  Right now my 8 year old washer is having 'spin' issues, but that just means I adjust my load size and do the best I can.  Beats taking it down to the creek and beating the laundry by hand.

I'm grateful for the every day things that lend so much meaning to our lives.  For our church and our pastor.  For my Bible study and the sweet ladies in it.  For the stores that are near our house........not too long ago, we were truly 'rural' and had to take a drive for the things we might be tempted to take for granted now.   That all 4 of our kids have reached the point in their lives that they have figured a lot of the important things out.  For those 8 pets that require a lot of upkeep, but give an awful lot of love in return.

That our car and truck are reliable.  That Claire has access to the best our public education system can provide.  That when we're tired and want to stay home yet be entertained, we have good stuff to watch on t.v.  That even though Brendan would love another job, he still has one at Meijer, and it's only across the street.    That even though we can't play in a championship game, the Buckeyes are having a truly special season.  Thank you Urban.

I'm a simple girl.  I don't require a lot to make me happy.  Give me a free moment and a trip to Goodwill, and I'm ecstatic.  Give me HGTV and Claire and we can make an afternoon of it.  Give me a good movie at The Strand and Brendan and I'm content.  Give us a tank of gas and a day off, and Michael and I will enjoy it together.

Thanks for reading my blog.  You guys are the special people I'm thankful for.

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