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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nothing Else Feels Like..........Forever 21????

Those of you my age will remember the commercial, 'Nothing Else Feels Like Real Gold.'  That's where I got today's blog heading.  For the rest of you whipper snappers, you'll just have to take my word for it!

Let me start by admitting something.  I am jealous of you who can wear silver jewelry and look good!  I know, it's not fashionable, especially for someone my age, to admit I'm jealous.  At 48, I'm supposed to have come to grips with my shortcomings and be comfortable with them.  Well, meh.

Being the cheapo that I am, I am envious of those who can go right to the clearance rack, pick up a much marked down pair of earrings, etc. set in 'silver,' and know it will look fabulous.  Wearing mainly yellow gold (or gold mixed with silver), I can't do that very often.  Fake silver is SILVER, period.  Fake gold can be a variety of colors.........eye watering yellow, strange know what I mean.

That's why I'm always thrilled to find something in brass, whether it's new or used.  With a brass piece, I know a good rubbing with my brass cleanser will render it, once again, a gorgeous REAL gold color.  You'd think more manufacturers of costume jewelry would catch on, and slowly they are, but you still run into strange variations of 'gold' all too often.

I especially have a bone to pick with 'gold over sterling silver.'  Ugh, it's atrocious.  I have yet to come across a really good piece of 'gold over sterling silver' that looks like the real thing.  I don't know what it is that makes it so different looking.  Lots of nice stores like Macy's, Penney's and online merchants like Palm Beach Jewelry have a TON of it, and I've sent back or returned too much.

In this day and age of beyond expensive real gold prices, I need to find a good facsimile.  Not only does it need to look real on day one, but it's also nice to not have the 'gold' rub off in a record amount of time.  That's another 'jealousy' issue I have with you who can wear cheap silver.  Unless you wear it in a chlorine pool numerous times, that 'silver' isn't going to rub off like cheap 'gold' will.  I've had to donate many nice pieces of fake gold jewelry because it turned a matte grey way too soon, and I take care to make sure I'm not swimming, showering or sleeping in it.

So, what's the answer?  Not only will I tell you, I will give you permission to GO TO THE MALL!!

Forever 21 is the best place to buy costume jewelry I know, and for OMG low prices.  I never would have known this, had I not taken Claire there several Christmas seasons ago to use her gift cards.  Why else would a 40 something mom take one step into a dub step throbbing, candy colored mecca aimed for much younger women?

Their 'gold' looks like GOLD.  Everyone who sees my F21 jewelry thinks I'm rocking the Real Deal.  The colors aren't garish, they look true to nature, and their white cubic zirconias look JUST LIKE DIAMONDS!!  And the prices?  Try $1.80 on up for earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces.  I spend on average $3.80 for a nice ring at F21.  My husband bought me a $100 gift card there last Christmas, and I made that sucker LAST!  Greater love hath no man for his wife, than he set foot into the most unmanly store in the mall............well, there IS Victoria's Secret ;)

Forever 21 also has a website, but I wouldn't recommend ordering from them online.  The shipping and handling easily negates any savings you receive, and they aren't the quickest in the shipping dept.  Plus, sizes may be far larger in person than in the picture online.........Michael ordered me what he believed to be a nice, small, solitare necklace, but when we received it, the solitare was the size of the Hope Diamond.    I could have swung that thing and taken out a giant, King David style!

If you are overstimulated by loud music and crowds (Claire almost had a panic attack in F21 once) visit them in the middle of the afternoon.  A much more laid back vibe, and the salesclerks were very helpful.  While you're there, check out the handbags!  They do an excellent job of simulating the latest designer bags, and they last too.

Since we are approaching the Christmas season, make your visit NOW, before Black Friday, or after the first of the year.  If you're thinking Christmas gifts, go to Kroger or Giant Eagle and get a gift card, so you don't have to brave the crowds.  It'll still spend, when you're battling the grey winter doldrums and need a pick me up from some newly acquired bling.

Here's one of my F21 rings from last year, along with the exotic skin bangle I bought at Goodwill last night for $1.  Only one picture taken in the light of my work office and it looks great.  Why do I even bother at home?

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