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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Give Until It Hurts........A Little

Purging your closet is a big topic on Thriftnerd. The less you own, the more you use of what you've got. Plus, donating helps others, and really.....isn't that what we like to think we're all about?

Ok. Say you've finished a good closet cleaning and purge. You believe you've given away every single item that you don't need or want.

Now, I want you to step back, and be completely honest with yourself. Have you REALLY cleaned out every single thing you can?

Perhaps you think I'm being a bit obsessive at this point. Not really.

I'm speaking from experience (again!). I know what it's like to hold onto that one last......purse, pair of shoes, top......because, well, you paid a lot of money for it! Or, someone gave it to you, but you really don't like it.

Now you understand my question!

Let's be honest. We're NOT Karsdashians. We're not even Kathie Lee Gifford. Do we honestly need to hoard goodies in our closet that we don't wear, when it could be doing a lot more good in someone ELSE'S closet?

That gorgeous Coach purse we never use, because the style just isn't right, could be the centerpiece of someone else's purse collection. What good is it doing YOU, stuck high up on a dusty shelf? Ah, but it's a COACH purse.

Well, big whoop de doo.

Queen Elizabeth could have bought it for you, but you're still not using it. Unless you charge admission and view your closet as a museum, GIVE. IT. AWAY.

The author Anne Ortlund, who is one of my favorite Christian writers, talks about having 'just enough' in your wardrobe, so that you can get dressed quickly and get on with the more important things in life. You know, like mothering and volunteering and working. How can you see the outfits you CAN wear, if there's layers of other things in their way........things that you don't wear, but can't bear to part with?

Here's another thought. When you donate your designer goods, someone else who might not have your financial resources gets a chance to own something truly special. You know how you feel when you find a designer label at the thrift store......something that fits YOU, but at a much reduced price that you can afford. You feel like a million bucks. Wouldn't you love to give that feeling to someone else?

I know there are women out there (and men) who can't bear to part with unworn wardrobe items. Sometimes there's comfort in viewing an overstuffed closet......until Monday morning, when you honestly can't find a thing to wear.

So, my sweet Thriftnerd-herd, step back. See that beautiful animal skin clutch? The one you've NEVER, EVER worn to ANY event? Why not donate it so someone else might be able to enjoy it?

And you can use that spot to store the things you DO use.

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