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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Puppies: Another Reason to Thrift

I've talked on here before about the many positive aspects of thrift and resale shopping. Laundry roulette and lower prices are just a couple, but today I'd like to talk about........merchandise death by pet.

I love my doggies and kitties. I must, we have 8 pets total at our house! They are so worth all the work required to keep them healthy and happy. In the morning alone, I'm not only getting myself and my family ready for the day, I'm also taking care of the pets. It makes for a busy morning, but it also brightens the day. In the evening before bed, Claire and I love on and feed our two bunnies. All our furbabies have the best personalities, so they provide plenty of laughs and conversation.

You'd think that, with all the love we shower on the little goobers, they would be going out of their way to reciprocate and do anything they can to show their appreciation. Haha.

Today I'll narrow the pet talk down to our newest pup, Roddy. A rescue doggie my husband fell in love with last March, Roddy can be a rowdy dickens. He spends the most time with us, too, as I take him to work with me every day. He also sleeps at my feet in bed. He even has his own Facebook page! Spoiled baby.

How does he show he loves us? Loving on us is often too pedestrian for our Roddy. No, he must do other things like dig holes in the backyard. Get into the trash. Chase the kittens. Pee on things when he gets reprimanded. Oh yes, and chew mommy's special shoes.

The first weekend we had him, he partook of my heeled Eddie Bauer chocolate leather booties. I. Loved. Those. Shoes. Chewed to smithereens. So, I started being more vigilant about putting my shoes away. Unfortunately, I lay down for a nap one summer day and put my perfect black flip flops beside the bed. That was when Roddy decided to have them for a snack. Do you know how hard it is to find the perfect black flip flops? Grrrrr.

As a result, Mr. Roddrick has been on a shoe diet ever since.

Until this past Sunday.

I had the best pair of purple patent flats with a pointed toe. I got compliments every time I wore them. Cute and chic and no danger of me twisting my ankle. Sigh.

Stupid me left them out in our bedroom at bedtime. Roddy took advantage of my goof and scooped one off to be enjoyed in his kennel.

As aggravating as it is to have my shoe wardrobe dwindle because SOMEONE craves the taste of my footwear, it would be aggravating x infinity if I had bought these items new. The booties, supple leather and all, were $4.99. The purple flats? $3.29. I believe the flip flops were a gift, but I digress. My most unique shoes have been bought resale.........and I know I'll find more. Eventually.

Do they make Duck Tape for dog lips?

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