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Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Happy Medium

I'm not talking about people who can see the future.

All my life, or as long as I've been self aware, I've been striving for The Happy Medium.  I don't want to be rich, and I don't want to be poor.  I want to be content.  I want to have my needs taken care of.........that are truly NEEDS.  For the record, a Mercedes is not a need. 

This sounds harder than it is, at least sometimes.  I love to eat out, but most of the time, this isn't a reality in my family.  Eating out is truly a special occasion due to finances, but that's ok.  I had to really work on myself to realize eating out is NOT a need, no matter how much fun it is.  Feeding my body correctly and well is a need.

That being said, weigh in on this blog post today.  Given 3 choices, would you choose A, B, or C?

I'll tell you right now: C is the happy medium, the middle of the road.

Mr. A is a joy to be around.  He is fun, makes everyone happy just with his presence, and views life as one big event.   He tells great jokes, likes everyone and lives for social events.  He truly lives in the moment.  He's the one you want with you on a desert island.........or at least when the elevator breaks down.

Mr. A loves to shop.  He loves the best of everything.  Cologne, clothing, shoes, eating out.  He drives a really nice car.  He goes on fabulous vacations.  He gives excellent, expensive gifts, and if you should chide him, saying he spent too much, he will chide YOU and say, 'there is nothing better than spending on my loved ones.  Don't steal my joy!'  He doesn't give much thought to the future.  Which is a shame, because that's where he should be socking away some money for retirement, and paying off those credit card bills.  He talks a good game of financial planning fact, he may even have a financial advisor.  God only knows how he must make that poor man wring his hands!

Mr. A's friends are wealthy people.  People who have saved for years and are now reaping the rewards.  Mr. A doesn't have any savings to speak of, but he wants to live like his wealthy friends, so he does.  They go abroad?  So does he.  They treat him to an expensive dinner out?  He does likewise.   The big difference, of course, is that Mr. A's wealthy friends have funds to cover these things.  Mr. A doesn't. 

In other words, Mr. A is a flaming meteor headed for the earth..........and he'll be partying the whole way.

On the other side of the coin?  Mr. B.  He is EXTREMELY frugal.  Mr. B isn't the first person you think of to invite to your party, because, well...........he's kind of a kill joy.  Mr. B rarely goes out to eat or buys anything for himself.  His true happiness comes from, you guessed it:  socking money away.  People view him as a scrooge or tightwad because he's not very flashy materially, and he may be socially challenged.  His bank ledger tells a different story, of course.  He has ample savings, no debt and has thoroughly thought out and taken care of his future.    Stuff that would make Mr. A's eyes glaze budgeting?  Well, that really excites Mr. B. 

Mr. B's door may very well be where Mr. A ends up, when that meteor crashes. 

Then there's me.  Good ol' Mr. (Ms.) C.  I like the finer things in life, but I also want to save money.  I like to have a good time, but I also don't go (and am not able to) on expensive vacations, buy at Saks and drive an expensive car.  Because I straddle the middle of the road (The Happy Medium) I'm not able to give my friends and family members really expensive presents, and I can't sock everything I make away in savings.

So, here's my question: what do YOU think is the best way to live?  I'd really love to hear your comments!

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