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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bracelets That Look Good Enough To Eat!!

I've found out something interesting in my jewelry making and re-purposing projects.......sometimes a necklace looks totally wrong, but as a bracelet? Perfect. This has happened a lot lately.

Today's case in point: these adorable 'gumball' bracelets. They started life as a choker-type necklace from Walmart, that I bought a million years ago......or, at least when Claire was still in elementary school. I was attracted to the awesome colors (orange! turquoise!), but the fit? Ugh. Not flattering at all. Kind of a 'Wilma Flintstone' choker, although Wilma could rock the look, and Claire and I can't. Both of us tried valiantly, at least once a year, to wear this silly thing. Finally, both of us agreed it wasn't working.

Going through her clothing last Saturday, filling donations bags, Claire told me to take the necklace, too. Ordinarily I don't donate jewelry......I resell it to Plato's Closet. I always make money on my jewelry.

This time, however.....probably because I've gotten into remaking jewelry lately, I took the necklace and envisioned a couple really cute bracelets. I had just enough beads to make with pink for Claire, one with my beloved orange for ME.

They are fabulous! I think they'd look super cute with a jeans jacket, the sleeves rolled up to 3/4 length. I wore mine yesterday to work with one of my big, orange rings, and the look was perfection.

I am very happy that inspiration struck, especially BEFORE I got rid of the necklace. Getting in the groove of recycling my jewelry has paid off repeatedly!

If you have a piece of costume jewelry you never wear, and you're thinking of donating it, unless you want to see if you can get $$$ for it at a consignment store, never be afraid of playing with it and taking it apart! These bracelets required nothing more than a pair of scissors and stretchy, beading string.

Wilma would approve :P

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