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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Style Mag Fashion For The Real World

I've posted on here before, that I LOVE InStyle magazine. Fashion for the masses! When I was growing up, all we had was VOGUE. Seriously, can you pick up a Vogue and see what the average woman wears? Nope. Don't even get me started on the weirdness.

When InStyle came out, they provided a format that was easily readable, with tutorials on how to wear clothing like the stars. Suddenly, Jane Q. Public could rock a fabulous bag just like Kate Hudson. Well, at least one that LOOKED like Kate's.

That's where 'vision' comes back to the forefront. It would be very easy to pick up an InStyle, check out the prices listed for the fashions in their pages, and get hopelessly discouraged. I want a chambray shirt, but I don't want to pay $75! Yet, that's what InStyle lists on this particular page I've posted.

We need to read magazines like InStyle as a GUIDE, not a Bible. This particular page lists what fashion editors wear at the moment. Black skinnies, sky high suede heels, that fabulous chambray shirt, gold cuffs. Now, taking that as a GUIDE, you can rip out the page and take it to your favorite, discount store or thrift shop. I recently picked up a great chambray denim BASS shirt from Goodwill for (you guessed it) $3.29. I can wear that thing in at least a dozen ways, and i LOVE it. Bonus? It DIDN'T cost $75.

My favorite InStyle section is where they take 3 InStyle employees, give them each a monthly budget for 3 months (usually $100, $500 and $1000), and then post their wardrobe finds each month. I find it fascinating to see what those 'in the know' consider fashion must haves. It's REALLY cool to see what the employee on the low end of the budget totem pole gets for their buck. Who knew Forever 21 finds could mix so well with high end designers?

I don't spend my days obsessing over InStyle. It IS my favorite bathroom reading. Everything in moderation, right?

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