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Sunday, May 19, 2013

$1.50 Purse & Laundry Roulette

I don't care what I've spent on something.......if I love it, I want to take the best care possible to make sure it lasts, regardless of the price.

Today, it's all about my $1.50 purse, and my reluctance to throw it in the washer.

Isn't it cute? Springy, and a perfect shape for taking to outdoor art fairs, etc. that are starting to paper our landscape, now that's it's (finally!) warm.

Heavy duty canvas with a wooden circle handle, it banked way below Goodwill's usual $4.99 for a handbag. I snapped it up without a second thought, and didn't notice, until I got home, that there was a nasty stain on both sides. Sigh.

Ordinarily, I'd just pop it in the washer. Because of the wooden handle, I was a bit stymied. What if the handle caused it to contort horribly out of shape? I know, I KNOW, it was ONLY $1.50!! HOWEVER, like I started off this blog saying........I LIKE THE PURSE AND DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO HAPPEN TO IT!!

I squirted the stain with Resolve (pet owners) and scrubbed away. It lightened the stain a bit, but didn't totally erase it.

Finally, I just closed my eyes and threw the silly thing in the washer, and went to bed. What good is it to own something if it just sits there, unused because of a flaw? Flies in the face of my life's mantra. Well, one of them.

The happy result? You're looking at it! It came out perfectly! So happy I can use this cute bag to go out and see the sights!

9 times out of 10, I have no problem laundering thrift store finds. Even items that are marked 'Dry Clean Only' come out beautifully. Every now and then, I have something fall apart, but in the grand scheme of things, that's still a bargain.

Happy Sunday everyone! Go enjoy this gorgeous day!

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