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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

One More Prom Post..........

A friend has graciously allowed me to repost her child's prom pictures. I asked because they perfectly illustrate one of the tenets of tasteful fashion: less IS more.

Human nature often tells us that, to look like a million dollars, you have to have a million accessories. These two are living proof that's not true! Women especially may feel that they aren't really ready to face the world for a big event, unless they are dripping with jewelry, sequins and other embellishment. These pictures prove otherwise!

The young lady's dress is simple, yet stunning. It drapes beautifully, and fits her perfectly. She's limited her jewelry to a few, simple bracelets, and her hair is softly styled. Nothing appears 'done,' yet the look is perfect.

Her date is wearing a classic, timeless tuxedo. Again, it fits him to a 'T.'

When they look at these pictures 20 years from now, there won't be any cringing and regret for giving in to the latest trend. Their attire is timeless and would be at home in any decade.

Now, my intention on posting these pictures is not to 'hate' on anyone who wore a sequined gown, or had a high updo with a tiara, or the the prom couple who color coordinated their look. Remember, Claire wore several pieces of jewelry.

I AM posting this because, sometimes........we just don't know what to do. How much is too much? What necklace should go with this neckline? Should I even WEAR earrings?

Have you ever heard the old adage, 'Before you leave the house, take off one piece of jewelry?' When in doubt, leave it at home. Simple always trumps too much. Check out style magazines that document celebrities on the red carpet. Nine times out of ten, the best dressed always have minimal accessories, and they look fabulous.

So, the next time you're in a quandry about what sets off that little black dress, just remember: less really IS more.

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