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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Week Of Claire's Prom: DIY Nails, Jewelry and Hair Comb

Claire is SO blessed to have ladies in her life who help with the bling!

Grandma Dixie (my mom) got Claire several sets of the new nail art stickers for Christmas. Have you tried them? They're really cool, and a wonderful alternative to an expensive manicure. These particular black and silver nail stickers were perfect for Claire's prom look. You DO need to shape and/or file them after applying them, which can be a hassle, but otherwise Claire was thrilled with the results. Cost to Claire? Zero.

Kathy is Claire's fashion forward bonus mama :) She dreamed up a gorgeous comb for Claire's hair! She started with a beautiful, clearanced with white crystal accents. She then bought a wire comb from a hobby store, along with gold wire (they have different colors, depending on your project). She also found red crystals with holes for stringing. Kathy painstakingly sewed the red crystals onto the brooch, and then I sewed it on the comb itself. Saki, our fabulous hairdresser, completed our work by making sure the brooch/comb was securely fastened to Claire finished prom 'do. Cost to Claire? Zero, but an awful lot of love <3

Claire and I looked and looked for a suitable red ring to wear with her ensemble. Nothing was just right. I finally broke down and bought the pretty peachy-pink and gold stretch ring from Meijer. Claire added her red nail polish from the dollar store, and after two coats and a top layer of clear polish, the end result was perfect and wore like iron. Cost to Claire? Just $7 for the ring.

Tomorrow I will highlight the fabulous accessory buys Kathy found on clearance, but today I wanted to show how some simple DIY, along with the love of Claire's mom, bonus mom and grandma, contributed just the right touches to set her prom look on fire! Nothing was earthshakingly hard......I think the comb was the most time consuming, but they were all ultimately simple projects that added up to VA-VA-VA-VOOOOM!!

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