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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fleece! Fabulous Fleece!

I'm a little more excited about this post than I should be. Sigh. I really need to get out more!

Yesterday, on the way home from running another errand, I stopped by a Goodwill in Sunbury. I've only been to this store once before, a year ago, and bought some really nice jeans that I still wear. It's not as large as the Goodwill in Delaware, but there's some nice nuggets just waiting to be discovered.

I was originally on the hunt for a skirt to wear to a wedding Saturday, and I ended up getting two because I couldn't decide which I liked better. At $3.29, I could afford it! As I poked through the various racks, I happened upon a black ProSpirit fleece zip up jacket. My size and hardly worn. This is a major, coup, people!

I've talked before about having to wear black to work every day. It's the color of our company shirts and other uniform items, and I hate it. Black washes me out like nothing else. At least I can wear my scarves close to my face. Anyway, I buy a new black fleece every year, because it's cold in here and a cold Erin isn't a productive Erin. I should say most years I buy a new one, because here it is February and I'm still wearing the 2011-12 edition. I just couldn't find one I liked this year, and it was getting a little desperate because my elbows get thin and shiny after a year of wear. I wasn't all that thrilled about the one I had, because it was thinner, but it was better than nothing. I'm pretty easy going.

I've looked for second hand fleece before, but before I tell you the reason I've not bought any, I'm sure you know why. Fleece gets, well...GNARLY after a while. Even North Face. Who wants someone else's cast off fleece? Hence, this chica always goes brand new in this area.

Yesterday however, this ProSpirit looked GREAT. Nice and heavy, NOT gnarly, and at $5.29 it was too good a deal to pass up. It fits marvelously, and the sleeves are long enough that my wrist bones don't freeze. I have gorilla arms, by the way. It's hard to find sleeves long enough sometimes.

I washed it up and wore today for the first time, and I am THRILLED. It's also heavier than my previous fleece, which means I am a happy, warm, productive Erin. Never say never in the thrifting world, folks! Sometimes, when you least expect it....there's FLEECE.

Happy and warm :)

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